“They were about to,” Aaron mutters.
“And you were watching? You looking for some attention, beautiful?” Dima says to Seb, grabbing his jaw with his hand.
“No I wasn’t, D. Aaron brought me in here to show me something, but failed to say what.”
“Yeah ‘cos I know how dick whipped you are and you wouldn’t have come in if I’d have told you they were fucking.”
“We weren’t fucking,” I say, annoyed that this is becoming a thing. Worried Kai will withdraw. All I want to do is get him to my room.
“You were foreplay sparring, getting ready to fuck. I’m not blind,” Aaron says, a sulky tone lacing his words like I’ve intentionally ruined his fantasy. Considering what he went through yesterday, I’m happy to see him up and about.
“Shut up, Aaron. Why don’t you go find my brother and bother him. You two, go fuck somewhere else. I don’t give a shit what you do, but don’t do it in my house, and especially not in front of my man,” Dima says, pulling Seb to his side like he’s worried the poor guy will run away.
“D, you’re overreacting,” Seb says, trying to keep a hold on his patience as he visibly grinds his teeth.
“I’ll show you overreacting, don’t think you’re getting away with this, beautiful,” Dima says and pushes Seb toward the door.
“So nobody is fucking, then?” Aaron says, whining like a child.
“Doe, if you don’t get out here in the next ten seconds…” Lev’s voice shouts through the open door where Dima stands smirking.
“Oh fuck yeah,” Aaron says, trotting off for the psycho orgasms I’m sure Lev will give him.
I turn and look at Kai, who I’m happy to see is smiling at me. The light sheen of sweat glistening across his skin that reflects from the lights has me wanting to lick it off him.
“They’re the most crazy assed couples I’ve ever met.”
I walk over to him and hold him by the neck, stealing a quick kiss from those plump lips.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself. Come on, Kai. I’m far from finished with you.”
As soon as we arrive back at our house, Jules manhandles me into his bedroom, before locking his door and throwing my overstimulated body onto his bed. When I land on the sheets, I’m completely enveloped by his scent—all masculine and sex. For a second, my mood dips when I think back to yesterday and what happened, but seeing Aaron tonight, he seemed in good spirits. However, with Aaron, you can never tell. I need to speak to him and apologize for what happened.
“Where did that mind of yours go, Kai?” Jules asks as he covers my body with his. I love the pressure of him on top of me, I want to suffocate in his presence.
“Sorry, I was just thinking I should talk to Aaron. Say sorry for what happened.”
“It wasn't your fault. But I get it, if it helps you.”
“Do you really want me, Jules? Because I’m scared. Scared that you’ll leave me after you’re done.”
“Hey, I wouldn’t be here if I didn't want you. You’re so damn sexy, Kai. I’ve never had anyone affect me like you do.”
“But I thought you were straight? Have you ever been with a man before?”
“No, but it’s not something that bothers me. I want you, and that’s all I need to know. Don't worry, I’ve fucked asses before, if that’s what you're worried about.”
“And why the hell do you assume I would be the one to bottom?”
I do love to bottom, but fuck him for assuming. He smiles at me knowingly and my ass clenches, eager to be filled.
“It’s written all over that pretty face.”
“Don’t call me pretty. Just because I bottom doesn’t make me your little bitch. It makes me your king.”