“Fuck you!”
“No thanks, I’m happy fucking Kai.”
“You’re disgusting, fucking your own family. Maybe that’s where I went wrong, should have fucked him so bad you would never get to again. Always thought he was soft,” Zac says, his lip curled in disgust. He gets what he wants from me, a reaction I’m only too happy to show him. I swing my arm to the side and with sharp force, I backhand him across the face. It lacks the depth and impact of a punch, but I like the demeaning nature of it. It’s almost a dismissive act. My knuckles sting, already sore from beating Jez, but watching Zac’s face jolt to the side, his nostrils flaring in resolve, trying not to show how much it hurt, makes it worth every bit of pain.
“We need to move this along. Ivan, get started,” Lev says, and Ivan happily obliges. He kneels at Zac’s feet, still tied to the chair, and opens his jeans and pulls out his sad flaccid dick.
“Yes! He isn’t cut,” Ivan says, on the verge of becoming overly excited. Lev stands to the side and watches with complete focus. He loves this kind of shit, and he and Ivan together will be a nightmare.
“Get off! No!” Zac screams as Ivan turns on the gun.
“Don’t be ungrateful, trust me, you’ll love the look of it when I’m done,” Ivan says, as he then lowers the vibrating blade around the tip of Zac’s cock. With precision, he pulls the foreskin over the head and moves the blade down his shaft until the flesh rips apart. Wow. The screams. I want to close my eyes and absorb the pain, its so alluring to hear this fucker hysterical. He’s shaking so hard that Lev has to hold the chair still so he doesn’t fall over. Lev is completely enraptured by the process. Ivan is completely unbothered by the yelling, his tongue touching his upper lip with concentration, and all I can do is sigh with relief. We’ve got them. Kai will never have to think about them again.
Kai’s face again appears in my vision. That cute dimple, his ravenous and innocent eyes, so contrasting in their wants and desires. The tattoo gun stops whirring and Ivan sits back with the blood covered piece of skin. Zac is bleeding profusely from his dick, where Ivan went a little too deep, but who the fuck cares.
“Still want to talk shit?” I ask. He doesn’t answer. His pale skin is drenched in sweat, his eyes have glossed over, his mind not in the room with us.
“Finish it, Jules. We need to leave,” Lev says, and I nod in agreement.
I walk over to Ivan’s case and retrieve a long sharp blade. Feeling at peace, I stride over to Jez, who is barely conscious. I hold his head back and slice the blade across his throat. His throat gapes open as loud wet gurgles leave his mouth before he stops breathing. One down, one left to go.
Spinning around, I look at Zac, and what a fucking sight. Lev is still holding onto the chair as Zac’s weight falls to the side. Without any words, I walk over to him. His eyes open, staring at me as though he’s looking through me.
“You never should’ve touched what’s mine. Now you pay the price,” I say, my face contorting into a bitter smile as Lev yanks his head back for me, and I slowly slit his throat, watching and listening to every gasp and gulp, and admiring the fountain of blood that now spills down his body.
As soon as he takes his last breath, the cold from the night sends icy chills across my bare chest. I’m covered in blood, my body hurts like hell, but all I want to do now is go to Kai.
“Here, put your shirt and jacket on. We got a suite at the local hotel, and the concierge sent some new clothes to our room. Then you can go to your boy,” Lev says.
“Thanks for this,” I say to him. He stares at me, blank of any emotion I could read on his face, and he nods.
“No thanks needed. Now let’s go. Ivan, pack away your shit, we need to head out,” Lev says, and Ivan gets to work.
“What do you think they’ll do with the bodies?” I say.
“No idea, but D said we can trust them. Don’t worry about it.”
That’s good enough for me. I dress back into my shirt and coat, which will both need replacing, and we walk out of the warehouse with a quick exchange of goodbyes with Carlos’s men. Lev warms up the car as we leave the compound and head to wherever this hotel is. I need to get cleaned up as I’m now itching to get back to my man. My Kai. And when he’s better, he has some explaining to do, along with a punishment for ever thinking of leaving me.
Fortunately, my coat covers the evidence of the carnage we left behind at the warehouse, enabling me to go to the hotel and clean up. After a shower and a change of clothes, compliments of the concierge service, I take an Uber to the hospital, leaving Lev and Ivan behind.
When I get to the hospital, I walk as fast as I can to Kai’s room. As I arrive at his door, I notice that Tim is not here, only Jenny, who is fast asleep in the chair next to Kai’s bed. I quietly walk over to the other side of Kai, so as not to wake Jenny, and gently stroke my bruised fingers down his pale cheek. His chest steadily rises and falls, no other sound in the room, apart from the beeping monitors.
“Hey, you’re back,” Jenny says, yawning as she stretches in the uncomfortable stiff chair.
“Any news?”
“He started to wake earlier, the sedation had worn off. He was quite agitated, so they gave him something to put him back to sleep again.”
“Why didn’t you message me?”
“Because it happened so fast, and it didn’t take long for the doctors to settle him.”
“You should’ve told me. Anything that happens with Kai, even a sneeze, I want to be informed.”
Jenny goes silent and looks at me, wide eyed in disbelief.
“Okay, you need to back the hell up. I didn’t see the point in worrying you.”