“What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to admit you fucked up bringing him here, and that he needs to leave, and you need to open your eyes that you and him will never work.”
“You’re right, I do question if I should’ve brought him here, and yes, he’s too sweet in nature for this. It’s not like I knew this beforehand. I was trying to help him.”
“And you have, but if he can’t do the hard stuff, what use is he to us? You need to let him go. Jenny will never approve of you both, you know this.”
“Yeah, I know.” I hate admitting it out loud, but I know she’ll never accept us. It doesn’t change things, I’ll be more than willing to carry that burden for Kai. He’s worth it.
“But I’m not letting him go. For you or anyone.”
A thud outside and running footsteps interrupt our conversation as I get up and open the door to see the back of Kai running away. Oh shit, he was listening. I turn to D, who is now standing beside me.
“I’ll leave with him. He’s non-negotiable, D. Fuck you and Lev,” I say, before hightailing out of his office, chasing after Kai. I catch up to him just as he is about to run out the front door.
“Fuck, Kai, wait!”
I can’t believe he was spying. I know what it must have sounded like, but it’s not what he thinks. Yes, I do think he is too kind-hearted for this job, but I didn’t say I wanted to send him away on his own. I have every intention of going wherever he goes. Doesn’t he know by now that I will never let him go? What a mess. I may have ruined any hope of happiness I had with Kai. He may be tough on the outside, but Kai just wants to be loved and cherished, especially by me. I know I’ve ripped his heart out. I just fucking hope he believes me.
Running outside, I see Kai get into my damn car. A smirking Aaron tries to block me, making it obvious where he got my keys from. Just as Kai leaves the driveway, Seb pulls in on his bike, and without thought, I dash over to him, pushing him off the contraption.
“Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing, Jules? I’ve just had it repaired!” Seb says as he pulls off his helmet.
“I need to get to Kai before he does something stupid. I promise I won't hurt your precious bike,” I say.
“Be careful with him, Jules. He’s been going through some shit, some self-doubt. Don't go barrelling in there, worsening it. He needs to feel wanted.”
What the hell is he talking about? Since when did they become best buddies?
“How the fuck do you know all this?”
“Because he talks to me. Look, you just need to listen to him, let him explain.”
What the hell is he not telling me? I haven’t got time to wait around listening to riddles, I need to get to Kai. I rev the engine and speed off after him with Seb’s words in the back of my mind.
Luckily, Kai is not too far ahead of me as I catch up with him, trying to wave him down. I've got no idea where he's going, as we travel further down a country road that leads to nothing in particular. Surrounded by trees and barren land, I race up beside him on the driver’s side, desperate to get his attention, but he just ignores me. It’s a challenge trying to balance the bike and look at Kai at the same time without falling off it, but I can tell instantly he's been crying, and it makes me want to hit something. But I'm also frustrated that he didn't wait long enough for me to explain. So fucking stubborn and reactive.
“Kai, pull over the fucking car!” I yell, slamming my fist on the driver’s window. All I get in response is his middle finger, which only enrages me more.
I wobble slightly on the bike as I try to keep up with him, as the terrain becomes rougher the further we travel. The road up ahead is a dead end, much to my relief, and forces me to pull back so that I'm behind the car. Kai will have nowhere to go.
Kai obviously hasn't noticed the sign when he slams the brakes on hard, drifting my car to the side as he tries to gain control. Everyone knows how much I adore my car, but at this moment in time, I couldn't give a shit if he wrecks it. I just wanna make sure he's okay. He doesn't move as I block off his exit with Seb’s bike. I slowly dismount it before walking over to him and the driver’s door, nearly yanking it off its hinges.
“Get out of the fucking car. Now Kai,” I growl at him before a rumble of thunder in the distance drowns out the silence. Rain starts to patter down slowly around us as the sky becomes darker. You would think my mood and the weather were connected, with how it represents what I feel right now. I want to yell at him, I want to comfort him, I want to fuck him. Jesus Christ, I want to own him fully.
“You don't tell me what to do, Jules. Do us both a favor and go back to the house and leave me alone.”
I slam my hand down on the roof of the car.
“I'm not going anywhere. You need to listen to me, Kai, what you heard back there wasn't what you thought. Now get out of the fucking car before I drag you out.”
If looks could kill, the glare that he’s throwing my way would do it right now. His eyes that are normally the innocent soft blue have been swollen up by his black pupils, and glower with fury like I've never seen before. I must say, it's pretty hot.
“Go fuck yourself, Uncle Jules.”
With both hands, I grab him by the top of his shirt and pull him out of the car. I drag him around to the hood while keeping a firm grip on him.
“Don't call me that, you little shit. I'm the farthest thing from your uncle.”