“See? Listen to your boyfriend. I wanna see you in my office in an hour, Jules. We have shit to discuss,” Dima says before turning on his heel and leaving the room. Seb quietly gets up to go and follow him, and Aaron sits watching, while filling his mouth with cereal, enjoying the show being put on for him.
“Jules, don’t risk anything for me.”
“Shut up, Kai. It’s too late for all that, I’d risk everything for you, so get used to it.”
“Can I do anything? Maybe talk to Dima?”
“No. Leave it to me. But you can go and call your mom.”
I nod quietly and kiss his cheek, before quietly walking out of the kitchen to our house. I’m so emotional right now, everything I feel for Jules is bubbling to the surface and I can’t control it. I don’t want to call my mom as she’ll know something is wrong. But I promised Jules I would. I’m awful at lying, but it’s not the right time to tell her about the Kozlovs or what’s transpired between me and Jules. Let’s just hope I can sidestep any questions that may give me away.
Sitting on the edge of my bed, I stare at my phone, my mom’s contact details taunting me, daring me to just call her. I can do this. I press the call button and hold the phone to my ear, waiting for her to answer. As the rings continue, I can hear my heartbeat that’s thumping in my ear. Slow breaths, Kai.
“Kai?” she answers. Her voice lilts to a higher tone of happiness. I’m such a piece of shit for not calling.
“Hey Mom. Sorry I haven’t called. It’s just been hectic here,” I say, forcing a chirpiness to my voice to hide the worry that plagues me of how she’ll react to everything that’s happened.
“That’s okay. Jules mentioned that you’ve been working hard. So, tell me everything? How’s the job? Are you happy?”
I smile at her eagerness to know that I’m doing better, that I’m on the straight and narrow. If only she knew my bosses ran a drug cartel and have a holding pen that they love to torture and kill in. Not to mention her step brother is fucking me. Fuck, I feel sick.
“Not a lot to tell. I do some security work and have been helping with the business, you know, doing the books and learning more about how they run. I’m enjoying it,” I say. Liar, liar, pants on fucking fire.
“That’s amazing, Kai. I’m so relieved, honey. Doing honest work and standing on your own feet is the best thing for you. I’m so proud of you.”
Okay, not enjoying the guilt. I want to slap myself. Hard. But as Jules said, what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her. Only, it will fucking hurt when she find out the truth, which she will. It’s not like we can keep this a secret for years on end. She’s bound to want to visit. Oh shit…what if she wants to visit? The pressure’s too much. We need to tell her, even if it’s just about us. If there is an us.
“Kai, are you still there?”
“Yeah, sorry, bad signal. Enough about me, how is it back home? You good?”
“I can’t complain. Working and breathing as usual. Tim has been spending a lot of time here too, it’s been quiet without you.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re not lonely, Mom. He’s a decent guy.”
“He’s a friend.”
“Cheeky. Anyway, when are you paying your mom a visit? This is the longest I’ve gone without seeing my boy.”
And there we have it. Problem number three. I’m not sure I can go home after the threat from Zac. I’m still of two minds about whether they meant it or not, as I haven’t heard anything more from them. Can I risk it?
“I’ll try and see what time off I can get from the bosses, and I’ll let you know.”
“Listen to you all grown up and a working man. I understand if you’re busy, honey, you’ve just started there, but it would be great to see you, even for a few hours.”
“I promise to sort something out. Look, I’ve gotta go now but I’ll text you next week.”
“Okay, love you Kai.”
“You too, Mom,” I say before ending the call.
I did it. Somehow I managed to lie well enough that it didn’t raise any suspicion. Guess I am learning here.