“He won’t. Kai is here to work. He doesn't need the distraction,” Jules says. I nearly sprain my neck with how fast I turn to face him, both annoyed and thrilled by what he said. I’m not a child, I can fuck whoever I want, and I don’t need him guarding me. But, his words also have a tinge of jealousy to them, which makes me slightly giddy with joy that it may not just be me that feels this attraction.
“Calm down, Jules. It’s not like you haven't fucked half the girls in this club,” Lev says, now causing me to feel a jealousy that is unwarranted.
“Now, now, boys. I’m sure Kai is old enough to think for himself,” Bonnie says, and I’m thankful to her, because this is weird as fuck.
“We’ll be in the back, Bonnie. Come on you two, let's get to work,” Lev says, and we follow him through the club. Rude Boy, by Rihanna, is now playing as another dancer takes to the stage, and I purposefully don’t look, as I can feel the annoyance in Jules’s gaze on the back of my neck. Have I pissed him off?
We walk down a small corridor at the back of the club and enter an office, which I assume is Lev’s. A huge mahogany desk, paneled walls, and oversized leather chairs fill the space. The room smells of cigars and leather. Lev takes a seat in the large chair behind the desk, and I take a seat on one of the small sofas in the corner, just as Jules sits in a chair directly opposite Lev.
Lev opens the desk drawer and pulls out a wooden box full of cigars. He offers one to Jules, who takes it, then Lev turns the box to me.
“Would you like one?” Lev asks as Jules watches me.
“He doesn’t smoke,” Jules says, lifting the lighter to his cigar.
“How would you know? You don't know me anymore,” I say, irritation taking over the politeness. This babying is pissing me off. He’s right, though, I don't smoke.
“You’re a feisty thing, aren’t you? I like that,” Lev smiles and takes a long inhale of the cigar, unblinking eyes never leaving mine, causing me to squirm in my seat.
“I’m not a kid. I can answer for myself.”
“You’re definitely not a kid. Let’s start again. Kai, would you like a cigar?” Lev asks again, but this time he’s watching Jules. I refuse to look at Jules as I know I’ll lash out and have a full tantrum.
“No thank you. I don’t smoke,” I say. A deep smokey laugh comes from Lev as he leans back in his chair.
“So I do know you,” Jules grumbles, his relentless gaze on me. I clench my fists as they rest on my lap. I want to both equally slap him and kiss him.
“No, it was a good guess. Plus Mom probably mentioned it,” I say, crossing my arms and leaning back into the sofa.
“She never said a word. Why is it so hard to believe that I know who you are, Kai?” Jules says. I’m stunned we are having this conversation right now in front of Lev.
“You don’t know me. I hardly know you. You don't know I like dick,” I say, and god knows why. Jules stills at that, but Lev doesn't let the comment go.
“Now that is good news—no need to feel like you can’t ask for dick, Kai. We love some of that around here. Apart from your Uncle Jules. He goes through women like it's a sport. Such a waste, as he has a great looking cock.”
“What?” I say, not realizing my voice could go that high pitched. How the fuck would Lev know what his dick looks like?
“Don’t get jealous, we’ve had many threesomes. With women of course,” Lev says with a gleam in his eyes. The bastard is taunting me, my crush on Jules blindingly obvious.
“Leave him alone, Lev,” Jules says, where he leans forward and stubs out his cigar in the large crystal ashtray on the desk.
“Or what?” Lev asks, his whole demeanor shifting from playful to dark. He really looks fucking crazy, but Jules doesn't seem too affected and remains silent, his eyes firmly on Lev, but after a moment of silence, Jules breaks the staredown.
“I thought so. Now, if your family drama is done for the night, let's go through what we do here and how the clubs are run,” Lev says, and I focus for the next hour on Lev. I have to remember I’ve come here to better my life. That means no distractions and no dreaming over all things Jules.
Fucking Lev. I swear the guy can see into my mind like clear glass. And why the hell did he bring up the threesomes? Was he trying to embarrass me or make me out to be some kind of whore? Even though he wears the title of manwhore like a damn crown. Lev is not only a beast when it comes to his job and family, but he is on another level with the way he treats the women we’ve taken to bed. Completely feral. God help anyone who manages to get him to settle down, although the chances of that are as likely as unicorns flying out of my ass. I also didn't like the way he eye-fucked Kai. I need to keep him away, because Kai wouldn’t be able to handle Lev and his sadistic nature. Kai just needs to focus on his job and to have more focus in his life. But what if Kai likes Lev? I swear to god, I’m gonna punch myself for these stupid thoughts, because why the hell should I care so much? He’s an adult. It’s just because I’m concerned. He’s family. That’s all.
“You’re too fucking obvious,” Lev says as he takes the seat beside me. After the meeting, I brought Kai back into the main club to get him familiar with the layout and for him to get to know the workers here. Kai is currently talking to Simon over at the bar while I sit here festering in my confusion of all this anger and possessiveness my nephew brings out of me. Instead of watching the show on stage, I’ve been solely focused on every move Kai makes and wanting to smack Simon for standing so close to him. Ridiculous.
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb. You wanna fuck your nephew.”
“Step-nephew. We aren’t blood-related, and he’s also a guy,” I say defensively. I think Lev has the memo, as I’ve reminded him and everyone else a million times over already.