There was no reason for a windowsill as the windows led nowhere. But Jones found it amusing when he designed the place and included them. I had to admit, it was a nice place to store things.
Rinsing my face, I stared at my reflection. My dark brown eyes appeared black, especially with the dark make-up circles I love wearing around them. I pushed the strands of brown hair falling from my tiny ponytail behind my ears. “It is almost over,” I said, smiling at the girl in the mirror.
Suddenly, a loud banging on the door made me jump. Mr. Goochil’s voice came blaring through it. “Your father is calling for you; better come quick.”
Opening the door, the stocky man stood waiting with his hands on his hips. He was at least ten years younger than Jones. Yet, he had less hair left on his head. The streak of reddish hair he had left ran along the bottom of his head from ear to ear. The top was completely bare and shone in the dim light.
I had often wondered what he rubbed on it to make it so shiny but would never dare to ask. His temper was just as short and as explosive as his circumference. He was wearing what looked like a high school blazer and black jeans. Thinking on it for a second, I had never seen him in a suit and wondered if he even owned one.
“Move along,” he spat, shoving me from behind.
“Yes, yes, I’m going,” I said, looking over my shoulder. “No need to be so pushy.”
Turning left into the main corridor, we walked past another two locker rooms before entering the reception area. This place was magnificent and stretched quite far underground. Behind the reception desk, the floor opened to the casino, the arena, and the bar.
To the right, between the casino tables and the arena, were a couple of rows of seating. To the left, the floor was covered with small tables and chairs. Behind these was the bar area. Jones was standing toward the back, chatting with two men seated at one of these tables. Once he noticed me, he waved, summoning me to him.
Other people were scattered around the place, but the look on his face turned my skin to ice. I knew what he wanted from me. ‘No more, no more, it’s almost over,’ my mind told my heart as I slowly walked towards him. Jones was grinning so much you could see his crooked teeth. They suited him, I thought.
“Evening,” I said in a light tone as I stopped by the table and glanced at the two men.
“Hi there, little lady,” the one said, jabbing his companion in the side with his elbow.
“These men would like some company before the show starts,” Jones said, grabbing me by the neck and shoving me forward.
I pushed out my hands and took hold of the table as I tried to glance back at him while speaking. “I’m still kind of busy. You know that. There is work to be done, isn’t there?”
Jones let go and rubbed his stubbled chin. I could see he was thinking very hard and knew I would have to remind him if I hoped to get out of this mess. “The client for the package would be here any second, and if he doesn’t get his delivery on time, well, you know,” I said, shaking my head at him.
It looked like I had flipped a light switch, as Jones remembered. “Yes, yes, that’s true,” he said, raising a finger in the air. “Sorry, maybe a bit later once she has completed her other tasks,” he added, winking at the men.
Turning, I hurried towards the reception area, needing to get away from him and those men as quickly as possible. He had never asked me to have sex with his customers, and for that, I was glad. But I had to sit with them, keep them company, and sometimes they would get touchy. Now that I am twenty-one, things might change, though.
Most of them got slashed halfway through the night, and I would sneak away. But sometimes, they could get touchy. This I couldn’t take. No more, not tonight, if I had anything to say about it.
After calling the client to find out what time he would be arriving, I called my own client. I had to confirm a time with him as well. The two would basically be right after one another so that Jones didn’t suspect anything.
I hadn’t seen him following me to the desk, but he jumped as he spoke behind me. “Now, what was that I heard?”
As I turned, he was almost on top of me. “Do you have other dealings that I’m not aware of?” he spat, lifting his hand.
“No, no,” I said, lifting mine to protect my face as I tried shrinking into the counter.
“Don’t you dare lie to me, wench,” He screamed, grabbing me by the shoulder. Glancing up, his face was red and looked swollen from anger. The veins in his neck were enlarged and pumping.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t. I promise.” I protested as he started dragging me to the corridor.
“Then tell me why you made two calls. Don’t think I’m a fool, girl!” Jones shoved me forward into the corridor.
Falling to my knees, I placed out my hands to stop myself from tumbling over. The hard gravel surface of the floor stung where small rocks and sand collided with my skin. Turning, I sat down, rubbing my knees.
“I…I made a mistake and called the client back to correct the time. Sorry,” I muttered, looking at the small red spots on my knees.
“You’re useless, that’s what you are. Can’t ever do anything right.” Jones retorted, leaning forward and looking into my eyes. “Get up and meet the client as arranged so you can get back to work. No diddling around, you hear me?” He screamed as he started turning back to the reception area.
“Yes, yes,” I replied softly as I stood up.
Jones stopped and glanced back at me. “There’s no escaping, I know what you’re thinking, don’t even try.” He mumbled under his breath.