“What else can I get you this evening?”

“Nothing for now.”

The server bowed and quickly backed away, heading to discretely check on the other tables.

“Why did you say I was from Madrid?” Jude asked, leaning close enough to Snow that he could once again get a whiff of the man’s cologne.

Snow wanted to close his eyes and turn his face into Jude’s neck but he didn’t move beyond a small sneer. “Because you look European.” Jude softly snorted. “Also, Americans make stupid assumptions like you’re rich Euro trash and probably don’t speak English.”

“Let’s hope nobody tests that theory. I don’t speak any Spanish,” Jude muttered.

Snow inwardly winced. Yeah, that would be really bad. He just prayed that they either found Gratton or a good bit of information fell into their laps before they were forced to run from the club.

The curtains parted and four young man strolled into the room in different stages of undress, their thin bodies all sleek muscles and soft, hairless skin. Not one of them did a damn thing for him. As one wandered close, Snow’s hand snapped out and snatched the wrist of the man, pulling him until he fell into Snow’s lap. He gasped and blinked, fear filling his wide hazel eyes for a second before he could put the mask back in place. He licked his lips and smiled, wrapping his thin arms around Snow’s shoulders.

“Hello, handsome,” he purred, wiggling his narrow butt on Snow’s lap. “What can I do for you tonight?”

Snow looked at the man’s face, and he was a man. He looked as if he were barely sixteen, but some heavy weight in his eyes that he couldn’t quite hide told of a much longer, rougher life. Like Geoffrey, he was likely well into his twenties but trapped in a body that looked as if he were only a teenager.

It took some effort to force himself to seductively slide his hands down the man’s arms before wrapping around his back. “I’m hoping you can help me find someone.”

“Oh, I think you’ve found him,” he murmured. He was trying so damn hard to be sexy but he was nothing compared to the man sitting at Snow’s elbow.

Snow smiled, moving one hand around to cup his face. “Later, I promise. But right now, I’m looking for a man by the name of Dwight Gratton. My friend just flew into the country to meet with him here. Have you seen him?”

There was no missing the flinch that went through the young man or the way his expression shut down just the tiniest bit at the mention of Gratton’s name while staring at Jude. The paramedic had perfected a bored, slightly irritated expression as if everything was a complete waste of his time. Snow didn’t know where that was coming from, but it was working for their ruse.

“Sorry. People aren’t big on names here,” the young man said with a little shrug.

Snow lightly increased the pressure on his jaw, turning his face so that he looked at Snow again. “True, but you’d know him if you saw him. He has a long scar cutting across his cheek right here.” As he spoke, he dragged his thumb nail down the flawless skin of the young man’s cheek, leaving behind a faint red mark that faded a second later. “Have you seen him?”

“Yes,” he whispered, shivering. For a moment, the young man’s eyes became haunted and Snow wanted to kill Gratton all over again. “But you’ve just missed him. I swear he left not twenty minutes ago.”

Snow growled and Jude shifted in his chair, swearing softly under his breath. All this fucking trouble for nothing.

“Do you know where he was going?” Snow asked, not bothering to rein in his temper.

“No, but...but…” the young man paused and licked his lips. He lowered his voice even more, leaning closer to Snow. “If your friend is in town for the auction, then he doesn’t need to talk to Gratton. Marcus is up in the green room. He has all the information you need.”

Snow’s heart hammered in his chest at the mention of an auction and his stomach roiled. It wasn’t Gratton, but this was incredibly valuable news. He tamped down the urge to pepper the young man for information about the upcoming auction. It was unlikely he knew much more than the fact that an auction was happening and Snow didn’t want to risk raising any suspicions.

Slipping a hand into his slacks pocket, Snow grabbed a couple more hundred dollar bills and pressed them into the young man’s hand. “My friend is very grateful for your help. Maybe you should take the rest of the night off.”

The young man stared at Snow, his head cocked slightly to the side. A soft crinkling sound rose between them as he tightened his fingers around the bills. “Thank you, sir. That sounds like a wonderful idea.” His smile trembled on his lips before he slid off Snow’s lap and casually strolled back out of the room.