It took Jude a moment to shake off his inner caveman and remember where he was. In the front of an ambulance, not fucking a hot surgeon up against a wall. Hell, maybe he needed a night off from work and away from the hospital to get his brain clear of Doc Frost. Every little thing sent his thoughts spiraling to that man.

“So,” she drew the word out while slowing the ambulance to a stop at an intersection. “Will your brother be there?”

He couldn’t stop his grin, grateful for the distraction. “Which brother? I have two.”

“You know very well which brother. And just...ew for even asking that.” She rolled her eyes. “Jordan will probably grow into a gorgeous piece of manhood, but I don’t have time to wait. Nor do I want your mother to know me as the cougar who turned her little boy into a man.”

Jude chuckled. “I’m sure Jordan’s girlfriend is teaching him plenty about that.” Jordan, at seventeen, was already taller than Jude and popular with the girls, but his heart was busy with one girl in particular and he thought she hung the moon. Jude didn’t agree.

“Just put me out of my misery. Will Carrick be there? Damn, I can’t breathe when I’m around him.”

He snorted. “I’ll make sure we bring the Albuterol then. Or, I can just tell Carrick to do CPR. He knows how.” Jude had made sure everyone in his family got training. Hell, Jordan had enjoyed the first aid and rescue courses so much, he talked about becoming a doctor. Their mana would love that.

She groaned, her hands tightening on the wheel. “Your brother giving me mouth to mouth wouldn’t help me breathe, pretty boy.”

He yanked on the seat belt to loosen it so he could turn to face her. City lights streamed into the cab, illuminating her face as they left the residential blocks for the brightly lit shops of St. Bernard. “You have got to stop calling me that. Someone heard you in the ER the other day and I don’t want that to stick.”

“Why?” She shot him a wink as they paused at a red light. Taking a quick look at the light flow of cars, she turned right, pulling into traffic that would sweep them onto the highway and back to the hospital. “I’ve never seen a man with such long, thick eyelashes on such big, pretty, black eyes. It fits.”

Jude shoved a hand through his dark hair, indifferent to the fact that it was likely standing in all chaotic directions. He was torn between amusement and frustration with Rebecca. “Is it your life’s goal to completely emasculate me?”

“That would be impossible. You’re too damn masculine with the chest hair and that beard you fight to keep off daily.” She waved her right hand in his general direction, motioning toward his body without taking her eyes off the road.

“Do you know how often you bring that up? I regret ever changing my shirt in front of you.”

“You could get anyone to do anything for you by taking off your shirt.” She paused and a wicked grin lifted her lips, sending a thread of unease through Jude. “I bet even the surgeon general would lose his rule about fraternizing with hospital staff if you paraded around in all those muscles and sexy, dark hair.”

Jude closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. She just had to use that doctor as an example.

“Come on! You don’t think I notice your face turning his direction every time he’s around? Not that I blame you. There’s something sexy about all that barely restrained power, but I have the distinct feeling he’d be the biggest pain in the ass—” A sharp bark of laughter pushed her back in her seat.

“It’s like working with a teenager,” he muttered, shaking his head.

“You know it!” She hit the blinker, then smoothly changed lanes. “But seriously, Torres, you might want to point your stick in another direction.”

He decided to let that one go and change the subject. “Think you can rein in the dick talk if you come to dinner tomorrow night? You’re coming, right? Or are you holding out for tacos yet again?”

“Don’t knock my tacos. We’re having a mad, passionate love affair.”

“Yeah, I know. Your breath reminds me every single day. You really should eat some fruit and vegetables.”

“There are vegetables in tacos.”

“Lettuce doesn’t have enoug—”

She took one hand off the wheel and pointed at him. “Tomatoes, too. And don’t forget the salsa. There are more tomatoes, onions, and peppers in that.”

“Becca, you need things like broccoli and bananas.”

She shuddered. “Broccoli comes from evil troll trees.”

“Troll?” He lifted an eyebrow. “Like big, scary trolls? Like massive, monster creatures?”

“Okay, fairies then.” She snorted and pulled off the exit ramp, leaving the highway and slowing as they entered a residential area. “But they aren’t evil, right? They’re all cute and princess-y.”