Leaning against Snow’s car, Jude frowned, grinding his teeth together as the first bites of reality started to gnaw at him. What was he doing? The man had given him the brush off. And he sure as hell didn’t stalk arrogant doctors in the parking lot.

Jude pulled his jacket closer around him and closed his eyes. A cold wind snapped at his cheeks but his mind drifted to a warm coffee shop and a gentle smile. That was the kind of person he preferred to date after the nightmarish three-year relationship with Brian. Michael had been close to perfect. They’d run into each other every Sunday morning for months at the same coffee shop. It started as a smile and a nod. And then a little chitchat if they happened to be waiting for their order at the same time. Then it was lunch. Dinner. Michael was warm, sweet, and friendly. He was stable and dependable. He’d been everything that Jude was looking for in a partner. They’d fallen into dating and it lasted for four months. And then just as easily, they stopped. There had been no drama, but there had also been no fire, no deep connection that kept drawing him to the other man as if he were the air his lungs craved.

“Shit,” he whispered on an exhale. This had all the earmarks of being another crazy mistake. But even with that churning, uneasy feeling in his stomach, Jude knew he wasn’t walking away. No way was he giving up on the doctor—not when there was something between them that felt so different. So strong. A gut-deep pull that kept drawing him in every time their eyes locked.

Plus, that entire encounter in the hall had showed him something new and he was intrigued.

Footsteps crunched through the gravel sprinkled across the blacktop. He looked up and watched Snow stride toward him. His hair shone in the light of the street lamps, the silvery streaks stark, and his dark, knee-length coat made him look longer and leaner than the white coat Jude was used to seeing him wear. His arrogant detachment was fully back, a second cloak that wrapped him in what he probably thought was invisible armor. Jude could see every inch of it. Just as he now knew to look for that hint of uncertainty he’d glimpsed earlier.

Snow held up a hand. “Look, Torres—”

“Shut up, General.” Jude took a quick glance around the parking lot, which was thankfully empty now. He grabbed the lapels of Snow’s coat, turned and pressed the man’s back to his car.

“What the fuck—”

Jude cut him off by pressing his mouth to Snow’s and murmuring against his lips. “I said…shut up.” This time, he was wide awake and knew where he was. That glimpse of uncertainty earlier, that brief hesitancy, had made him see something receptive in Snow—something that brought Jude’s protective caveman instincts to the surface. Something that made his balls ache with the need to explore the man more.

He pressed into the length of Snow’s body and slanted his mouth harder over the doctor’s. Parting his lips, Jude slid his tongue inside, and moaned when Snow didn’t resist. He didn’t respond at first either. Stubbornness, shock—Jude didn’t know what kind of emotion made the doc stand so still, but he took advantage. He slid his cold hands up Snow’s neck to cup the sides of his head, stroking one finger around the man’s ear.

Snow shuddered, then gave in. He pushed back, meeting his tongue stroke for stroke. There was no tentative exploration that usually happened in a first kiss. No, this was hot and dirty fast.

And mind blowing.

Holy shit, the general’s mouth was made for more than just spitting out orders. His full bottom lip cushioned Jude’s perfectly. His tongue was silky, his mouth warm. He tasted faintly of coffee and the light stubble around his lips caught in Jude’s. He opened his mouth wider and Jude wondered if spontaneous combustion was a thing because every part of him felt ready to burst into flames.

He wanted this mouth—this stunning, hot mouth—wrapped around his cock something fierce.

Hands came up to grip the sides of Jude’s waist through his coat. Snow tugged him even closer, sliding one leg between Jude’s, his thigh pressing up into Jude’s crotch. Hard.

His breath stopped, his heart slammed against his ribs and his dick went from interested to frantic. He rubbed against Snow’s solid thigh and swallowed the sexy as fuck noise that came from Snow’s mouth. Their kiss grew harder, wetter, and Jude wasn’t the only one trying to get friction on his cock. Snow turned them, pressed hard against him, shoving Jude’s back into the cold Lexus behind him. Snow straddled Jude’s thigh, his rhythmic, almost violent thrusts against him both hurting and feeling so good, Jude wasn’t sure how he still stood on his feet.