Shit. I think he saw me.
Of course, I want him to see me. I want him to love me, damn it, but I don’t want to scare him. I can’t have him running away and making this more difficult than it already is.
I peek my head out, but Felix isn’t where he was. I look around and spot him walking away.
My head is so messed up from setting eyes on him that I’ve forgotten part of the plan.
I hurry down the old ladder on the side of the building, then hop onto the dumpster. Once my feet are on the ground, I hurry to the black car that’s waiting on the street—thanks to Kiza.
I tap on the driver's window and point in the direction Felix went.
Once the guy rolls it down, I say, “He’s going that way, carrying a large plastic box thing. I’m going to follow him, so stay close. He doesn’t look too strong, but you never know. You may have to help me.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” the driver says.
His name is Draven. He’s a demon like me, but he isn’t very demon-like. He’s smaller than most of the males and doesn’t look as scary. Probably kicked out of hell because of it. I stand up straight and plant my hand on my hip.
“Kiza said you would help me with whatever driving needs I had.”
“Yeah, driving, not kidnapping!”
“He’s not a kid…”
He gapes at me, then this weird, choked sound comes out of his mouth.
“I can’t get in trouble up here,” he argues.
“Neither can I. So you better stay close.” I step back, looking around for Felix.
I can’t let him get too far away. This is my chance. So I take off.
The car is quiet as it follows behind me. Good. At least he’s listening.
I check my back pocket for the handcuffs, making sure they’re still there, and smile when I feel the circular outline in my pocket.
I’ve never snatched someone off the street before, but here goes nothing.
I move quickly but carefully, and when I catch sight of him, my heart skips a beat.
His ass is so nice.
I stare at it as he walks. It’s slightly too big for his body, with the nicest jiggle I’ve ever seen on an ass. He’s tall too, but he’s walking slightly crooked and I can’t tell if there’s something wrong with his leg or that box he’s carrying is just really heavy…
What the hell is in there? Bricks?
It’s early, so there isn’t anyone around, which is great. The sun hasn’t even come up yet, which helps me stay hidden. Draven has the lights off on his car, so that helps him be less noticeable, too.
I hurry after Felix, hearing him talking quietly to himself—or to the box, I can’t tell—which I would probably find strange if I didn’t love his voice so much.
When I’m about fifteen feet from him, I know it’s do or die. Now or never.
I run and lunge, jumping onto his back and wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Felix flails his arms, letting out a yelp. He swings his body around, trying to shake me off, but I only hold tighter.
“Stay still!” I shout at him.
“Get off me, you whacko!”
“Just hold still. This will be so much easier… if you… hold still!”