He glanced at the door. “Do you think he left you the bear?”
“I hadn’t thought of that, but maybe?” I paused. “Kind of fits, doesn’t it?”
“He didn’t say anything about it?”
“No, but he was only here for a minute before you walked in.”
Garrett nodded slowly, as if considering.
“Do you know anything about him?” I asked.
“Not really. I’ve seen him around town but he’s never been in trouble. Not here, at least.”
“So maybe he is just kind of weird.”
“Bro’s a creep.” Owen appeared in the doorway. “Dad, you should arrest him.”
Garrett let go of me and stepped back. “I can’t arrest someone without cause.”
“He probably has a fridge full of jarred human organs.”
Garrett shook his head with a soft chuckle. “That’s helpful, Owen, thank you.”
“I’m just saying. Harper, he totally left you the murder bear, by the way.”
“You think so?” I asked.
“Definitely. Fits the profile.”
“What profile?” Garrett asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“You know what I mean. Weirdo obviously has a crush on Harper. Seems like the type who’d leave an old stuffed animal on her car.”
I looked at Garrett and shrugged. “He’s not wrong.”
“Guy’s got no rizz, though,” Owen said.
Garrett met my eyes, his brow furrowed. I shrugged. Apparently we both needed a teenage slang lesson.
“Rizz?” Garrett asked, turning to Owen.
Owen rolled his eyes. “Rizz, like charisma. Means he can’t get a girl.”
“Oh.” I nodded. That actually made some sense. “Matt definitely lacks rizz.”
Owen shook his head and let out a soft laugh. “Bruh.”
“What?” I asked.
“If he does anything, and I mean anything, that makes you uncomfortable, call me,” Garrett said. “Immediately.”
“Okay. I will.”
He brushed a wisp of hair off my face. His eyes flicked to Owen and he lowered his hand.
Oh my gosh, he was shy about touching me in front of his son. Why was that so cute?