Page 57 of Temptation Trails

“The proper word is testicles, buddy,” Annika said.

“Test-wickles?” Will asked.

“Close enough,” she said. “But let’s stop talking about all our body parts, okay?”

“I keep my test-wickles in my pants too.”

“Yes, you do. That’s appropriate.”

I shook my head. I didn’t remember Owen shouting about his boy parts when he was little. But my nephew Will had a big personality. He reminded me of a cross between Zachary and Levi’s brother, Gavin Bailey. Kind of a scary combination.

Owen caught my eye and shrugged, as if to say sorry, I didn’t mean to start something.

I shrugged back. Not your fault, and not a big deal.

“So, Owen,” Theo said. “Committed any crimes lately?”

Owen elbowed him in the ribs.

“Ow.” Theo rubbed his side. “I probably deserved that.”

Thankfully, the shoplifting incident didn’t seem to have been the start of a pattern of behavior. I didn’t know if I could take credit for handling it well, or if he’d decided getting in trouble wasn’t worth it. Maybe a bit of both. But I was grateful I didn’t have the added complication of a kid turning to crime.

And later, I had a date with Harper. I felt a tug in my chest, a longing to be with her again.

Whatever was happening between us, it was a lot more than my clinical description. It wasn’t an attempt to model a healthy dating relationship or explore our compatibility. It was deeper than that. Much deeper.

And I was glad rational, responsible Garrett had hung up his gear for a little while.



My head rested against Garrett’s bare chest and my arm draped across his toned midsection. He traced idle circles on my shoulder as we laid in bed together. We originally had plans to go to dinner, but there was something about him I couldn’t resist. Apparently he felt the same way.

At least we’d made it to the bed that time.

I didn’t think either of us had meant to tear each other’s clothes off as soon as he’d arrived to pick me up, but you wouldn’t hear me complaining. I was relaxed and happy, my body content.

He kissed the top of my head, and the strangest thing happened. A lump formed in my throat and tears gathered in the corners of my eyes. I tried to swallow the rush of emotion. I didn’t want to freak him out. But the gesture was so gentle. So sweet. Intimate on a deep level.

It was overwhelming.

While a part of me wanted to sink into this newfound intimacy, bask in it until morning, another part of me wanted to untangle myself from him. Maybe even call it a night. It felt as if we were rushing headlong into a fog and we couldn’t see where the path led. Was there a cliff out there? Were we going to fall off and hit the bottom?

Because there was always a cliff. And I always fell.

His arm flexed, pressing me tighter against him. I closed my eyes and breathed him in, let the strength of his embrace surround me. Whatever was happening between us was so new. Couldn’t I just enjoy it for what it was, without worrying about whether it was doomed to crash and burn?

Probably not entirely, but for the moment, I’d at least try.

Garrett kissed my head again, then broke the comfortable silence. “I saw my family today.”

“Is that why Owen wanted the cookies?”

“Yeah, everybody loved them.”

I smiled. “I can’t take credit. He did all the work.”