“You think he was hiding? From what?”
“I’m not sure. But I suspect he has a lot more going on in his head, and heart, than he lets anyone see.”
Before I could ask her more about what she meant, Owen appeared with the pink Angel Cakes box and his cousins went nuts.
Let’s be honest, my brothers did too.
“Watch those grabby hands,” Mom said. “Just one cookie each.”
Mom and Dad helped Owen pass out chocolate chip cookies to everyone. I took one with an odd sense of excitement. It was just a cookie, I didn’t know why it made my pulse speed up.
Except it wasn’t. It was one of Harper’s cookies.
The little kids took theirs and ran back toward the swing set. Several of the adults followed, including Annika and Levi.
Theo groaned. “This is so good.”
“Angel Cakes makes the best cookies,” Luke said.
“Did you help with these?” Mom asked Owen.
He grinned. “Yeah. I pretty much made them. Harper told me what to do, but she let me do most of it.”
“Hang on,” Theo said. “Harper, as in the lady your dad likes?”
“Bro, is your son creeping in on your girl?” Luke asked.
“No, Uncle Luke.” Owen rolled his eyes. “Dad’s dating her. I was just helping at the bakery.”
“Hang on again,” Theo said. “Since when is your dad dating?”
Owen shrugged as he took a bite of cookie. “Since he took Harper on a date. They’re going out again tonight.”
All eyes swung to me.
“Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“I can’t imagine, Mr. I’m-not-dating-anyone,” Theo said around a mouthful.
Luke grinned at me. “Yeah, you were pretty adamant about the whole not dating thing.”
“Can you say, denial?” Theo snickered.
“You guys.” Marigold shook her head. “Don’t give him such a hard time.”
“Have you met us?” Luke asked.
I crossed my arms. “We’re seeing whether or not we’re compatible. There’s nothing wrong with me modeling a healthy dating relationship for my son.”
Zachary groaned. “Way to make it boring. Just admit you’re into her and you hope you’ll get in her—” He glanced around at the kids. “That she’ll be down for some grown-up playtime.”
Marigold laughed. “Good save, honey.”
He grinned and winked at her.
“The little kids aren’t listening, Uncle Z,” Owen said. “And I know what that means.”
“Can we change the subject, please?” I asked.