“Sure, yeah.” Exactly what I should have suggested. My brain really needed to catch up and start working. “Go ahead with the left one.”
She turned it on. I stepped back to make sure the lights were blinking. They were.
“That one works. Now the right.”
She pushed the lever down.
I walked around the car to check, then back to the driver’s side. “Passenger side rear is out. Front works.”
“Well that sucks.”
“Is there an indicator light on your dash or anything? A lot of cars alert you when a light is out.”
She glanced at her dashboard. “There might be but if there is, it didn’t work. That would be my luck. Do you know where to get a replacement light?”
The hint of worry in her voice tugged at something in my chest. A busted light wasn’t my problem, and it wasn’t even a big deal. But I had to fix this for her.
“I can grab one and help install it if you want.”
She gazed up at me and her big green eyes locked me in place. A car could have flown by at ninety miles an hour and I’d have been hard pressed to notice.
“Um.” She shook her head a little, as if to clear it. “That’s okay. I’m sure I can figure it out. There’s an auto parts store in town, right? I think I’ve seen it. I don’t know why I asked that question. I’ll be fine.”
I cracked a smile. She was sexy when she was flustered. “I really don’t mind.”
“I’m sure you’re busy with, you know, police stuff. Or, sheriff stuff or whatever you are.”
My smile grew. I put a hand on the top of her car and leaned down. “Sheriff’s deputy. How about this? We have dinner and I fix your turn signal.”
Oh shit. I’d just asked her out.
“Like, right now?”
“I’m on duty until six and then I have to pick up Owen from my parents’ place.” Despite the slight panic rising in my chest, I’d already said it. No going back now. “So how about tomorrow? Are you free?”
Her eyebrows drew together. “I don’t know if dating is a good idea for me right now.”
She’d just given me an out. I could have accepted her polite refusal, let her go about her business, and moved on.
Except, I couldn’t. I couldn’t do it.
“It’s just dinner. No pressure. And I promise I won’t miss this one.”
Her expression softened. “You promise?”
“Yes. Even if I’m chasing a bad guy. It’ll be his lucky day.”
She looked forward, rubbing her lips together, and gripped the steering wheel. It took her two, maybe three seconds, but the wait just about killed me.
“Okay, Garrett Haven. Dinner. And you fix my blinker.”
“You’re not going to give me a ticket, are you?”
That almost made me laugh. “I’ll be lenient this time.”
Her lips turned up. “Thanks, deputy. Am I free to go?”