Page 177 of Temptation Trails

“Step into the street, ma’am,” the voice said, still using the loudspeaker.

I couldn’t tell who it was. The rest of them just stood there, watching me. I glanced up the road and saw Marigold and Audrey, along with Annika and her husband. I wanted to wave, but I’d also been instructed by law enforcement to stand in the street. So I decided to do what I’d been told.

“Is everything okay?” I asked. “This is weird, you guys.”

The door of one of the patrol cars opened and I had to do a double take. It was Owen. But without his hoodie, I almost didn’t recognize him. He wore a crisp white button-down shirt, slacks, and a pair of aviator sunglasses. He reached back into the car and took out a big bouquet of red roses.

I clasped my hands to my chest.

“Hands up, ma’am.”

I laughed again and put my hands up. “Sorry.”

Owen grinned as he walked over to me. Had he grown? He’d always been taller than me, but he seemed to keep getting bigger.

He held out the flowers.

“Can I lower my hands to take them?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” Owen said.

I tucked them in the crook of my elbow. They smelled wonderful. “What’s going on?”

He didn’t answer, but his smile grew.

The driver’s side of the same patrol car opened and Garrett got out.

His big, muscular body gave his uniform a workout and his aviators were so sexy, I could hardly stand it. With a slight smirk on his lips, he walked toward me.

“What is happening?” I asked. “I feel like I’m in trouble but also not because of the flowers.”

He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips. Then he did the most incredible thing I’d ever seen.

He dropped to one knee.

Sugar cookies. He was going to…

This was…

Oh my goodness.

“Harper, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

My mouth opened but I’d completely forgotten how to use words. I stared at him, frozen in place, while the blue and red lights flashed around me.

Owen leaned closer to his dad. “I told you we need the pizza.”

“What do you think, love?” He took a box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a beautiful blue topaz surrounded by a halo of tiny diamonds. “Will you marry me?”

“Pizza, Dad,” Owen whispered.

“Yes!” I squealed. “Yes, yes, yes. Sorry, I forgot how to talk for a second. Yes, please. I want to marry you so much.”

He took out the ring and slipped it on my finger, then rose and scooped me into his arms. My feet left the ground and he twirled me around while the sirens blared in a cacophony of chaotic noise.

Vaguely, I was aware of people clapping and cheering all around us. He set me down on my feet and brought his mouth to mine for a kiss.

He pulled away for a second, but kissed me again, as if he couldn’t get enough. I was laughing and crying and kissing him all at the same time. It was a big, beautiful whirlwind.