Page 162 of Temptation Trails

“I don’t know. Phillip has her phone. She was supposed to go to Mom and Dad’s after work.”

“Where are you? Rich Pine’s?”

“Yeah. Do you know where that is?”

“I’m like two minutes from there. On my way.”

Two minutes were going to feel like an eternity. How long had Phillip been gone? I had no way of knowing.

“Don’t hang up, though,” Luke said. “You’ve had me scared shitless. I went out to that barn and root cellar and there was nothing there. Less than nothing. The door was wide open, but there wasn’t shit inside. And you were nowhere.”

“Phillip fucking tased me, then clocked me in the head to knock me out.”

“Holy shit. Have you called this in or did you call me first?”

“I called you. I don’t know who I can trust. I just have to get to Harper.”

“Got it. Don’t worry, bro. We’ll get her.” His voice lowered, as if he were talking to himself. “And if I don’t get a ticket, it’s going to be a miracle.”

I stayed on the line, waiting for him to show up. As soon as I heard his car, I slammed the phone down and ran out.

“Call Theo,” I said as soon as I’d shut the car door. “He drove Owen up there and Mom never answers her phone.”

“True story.” He made the call and put it on speaker. “Theo, are you at Mom and Dad’s and is Harper there?”

“I’m here, but she left.”

“Where did she go?”

“The bakery. Something about an oven being on. She took Owen with her. Said they’d be back. Where are you?”

My eyes widened with horror. Harper and Owen were together, and not in the safety of my parents’ house.

I didn’t have to say a word. Luke was already driving, pedal to the metal, heading for town.

“Harper’s in trouble,” Luke said. “I’ve got Garrett. We’re heading to the bakery.”

“In trouble how?”

“I’ll explain later. Just don’t tell Mom.”

Luke ended the call and put his phone in the center console. He glanced at me. “You look terrible. Why aren’t you wearing a shirt? Never mind, are you bleeding?’


“Did he really lock you in a freezer?”


“Holy shit,” he muttered.

“Call Owen.”

He tried Owen’s number. No answer.

I was not going to think about what that meant. “Just drive.”

“On it.”