Page 152 of Temptation Trails

There was only one thing I could do. Catch the fucker.

Driven by single-minded determination, I flew out to the trailhead. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, burning away any remaining fatigue. He’d called to taunt me, and I knew it. I just had to hope this was part of his game. Part of the sick pleasure he got out of it. I had to believe she was breathing. That he’d wait, draw it out.

Time. Just a little more time.

Hang in there, Harper. I’m coming.

I pulled into the lot at the trailhead. Ignoring the cars already parked there, I went around them and drove into the woods. If someone could get a stolen car through the area, I could get through too. I’d drive as close as I could to the old barn and root cellar, saving precious minutes.

The trees grew thicker and I had to stop or risk hitting something. My heart thumped hard in my chest as I slammed the gear shift into park and jumped out of my car. Where was Luke? How far behind was he?

I called him again, but this time there was no answer. Voicemail.

Probably in a dead spot.

I trusted him. He was on his way. But could I afford to wait?


Nope. Couldn’t do it. If I was even a minute too late, I’d never forgive myself. I grabbed the bolt cutters and took off at a run. Luke would catch up. He knew the way.

The dilapidated barn came into view. I rushed past it and stopped in my tracks.

The root cellar door was wide open.

From where I was standing, I couldn’t see into the dark interior. Was she there? Or was this just another taunt? Another attempt to make me think I was crazy.

I took in the surrounding area, wary of any sounds or movements. But I didn’t see a thing. Approaching the cellar slowly, my senses on high alert, I looked around for the lock. Nothing. No lock. It was as if it had never been there.


I heard the footsteps behind me just before the pain hit. Every muscle in my body went rigid and it felt like being battered with a hundred wooden clubs moving at lightning speed. I fell to the ground, unable to stay upright, the impact knocking the breath from my lungs.

A taser. It was a fucking taser.

Five seconds felt like an hour. But as soon as the electrical current stopped and my body started to regain movement, he hit the trigger again.

I needed to get the barbs out. But I couldn’t move. My teeth ground together and the pain was unimaginable.

My arms were wrenched behind my back and fastened together. I couldn’t tell if he used handcuffs or something else. The taser stopped and he lit it up again. I rode the lightning while he bound my ankles, every part of my body screaming in pain.

The taser stopped and my muscles unclenched, but as soon as I tried to move, I got a sharp kick in the ribs—right at my liver. It almost made me vomit.

“None of that,” a male voice said.

“Phillip, you piece of shit,” I ground out between gritted teeth, my face in the dirt.

“Swear at me all you want. It won’t help.”

“Fuck you.”

“Good. I want you angry. It’s going to make this so much more fun.”

I didn’t hear another word. For a split second, I felt the explosion of pain at the blow to my temple before everything went dark.

