“I’ve been to Rich Pine’s place before. He has enough shit to rebuild society if there’s ever a zombie apocalypse. Something falling on you doesn’t mean you were set up.”
How the hell had he heard about that? “Nowhere in my report did I claim I’d been set up.”
“No, but you told Sheehan you thought it was deliberate.”
“Damn it, Kade. Did he seriously tell you that?”
“Because he’s concerned. Said you sounded paranoid. Maybe even unhinged.”
“I’m not paranoid, and I’m certainly not unhinged.” I was about to say Kade had it out for me, but that was exactly what a paranoid person would say. “I realize I have no proof that someone tipped that pile onto me. But it was a trespassing call and I don’t think it makes me crazy to speculate, especially when my gut tells me there was someone out there.”
“Instincts are great when they prompt you to ask questions or consider different possibilities. But your gut feeling isn’t evidence. And trust me, it can steer you wrong. This is what I’m talking about. I’ve seen plenty of guys start ‘trusting their gut,’” he said, making air quotes, “when their gut is compromised by stress. The results aren’t pretty.”
“Listen.” He put a hand up. “I’m not ignoring the facts. Your girlfriend got a strange package and I agree that it’s concerning, especially with the similarity to the Joyner case. You’re taking extra care to keep her safe, and I applaud that. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m grateful for the SPS.”
“You and me both.”
“But you have a lot going on right now. This is a big case, and it can’t be helping that the entire town is watching. Everyone wants to know if you’re going to be the one to catch an elusive killer. Hell, people are taking bets as to who it is.”
“You’re kidding.”
He rolled his eyes slightly. “I wish I were. In any case, you take that and add everything you’ve got going on in your personal life, and it’s okay if things are getting to you. There’s no shame in that. What is a problem is if you won’t admit you’re in over your head and at least need a break.”
“Jack, I’m not in over my head. I’m telling you, I’m on the cusp of something.”
“Don’t make me put you on administrative leave.”
Alarm shot through me and I sat forward in my chair. “No. Not now.”
“I won’t if you agree to take a few days off. Starting now.”
I fought against the immediate urge to argue. Stay calm. Be rational. Show him you’re fine.
“I’ll take a few days off. But I have one lead I’d like to investigate first.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“Jasmine received a second anonymous package before she was killed. Flowers, specifically white flowers with lilies. The original investigators assumed they were unrelated, like the first package, so they didn’t look into it. I admit, this is a long shot, but I want to talk to the florist in town. They might not have purchase records going that far back, and whoever it was might have paid cash. I get it. Long shot. But this is a cold case. If the evidence was easy to find, they would have solved it ten years ago.”
“All right. Talk to the florist. And then I don’t want to see you for at least three days. Get some sleep. Don’t spend your time poring over that case file.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And Garrett…”
I met his eyes.
“Law enforcement and paranoia are a bad combination. You start to think everyone’s out to get you, it’ll make you reckless and rash. I need you to keep your head on straight.”
“I will.”
By his expression, I could tell he wasn’t sure if he believed me.
I got up and left, glad I hadn’t called in the home invasion. I heard a noise and my gut tells me someone got in and out of my house, but they didn’t leave a trace. Paranoid? Yeah, that was exactly what he’d think.
Also, fuck you Kade for ratting me out. I shouldn’t have said anything to him. To anyone.