Page 118 of Temptation Trails

His eyes widened. “What? Why didn’t you tell them?”

“That’s why we’re here.”

“Dad, I thought they knew.”

“Tell us what?” Paul asked. He seemed to realize what was going on about five seconds before Marlene. “Oh.”

“Tell us—?” Marlene looked at Owen’s shirt, then her gaze swung to me.

“Mom and Dad,” Garrett said, pulling me closer. “Harper and I are having a baby.”

I waited for it. The shock. The anger. The pointing fingers, blame throwing, and shaming.

How could you?

What were you thinking?

How could you be so irresponsible?

I was completely unprepared for what came next.

Marlene gasped, covering her mouth with both hands. “A baby?”

Paul tipped his chin to Garrett. “Congratulations, son.”

“Oh my goodness, a baby?” Marlene said again, her eyes brimming with tears. She walked around the counter, reaching her hands toward me, and drew me in for a tight hug.

For a second, I was stiff in her embrace. What was happening? She was hugging me?

She was hugging me.

I softened into it, wrapping my arms around her. Tears stung my eyes, although I was still too shocked to properly cry.

“I know, I know.” Marlene let go and took off her glasses to dab at her eyes. “I’m too emotional. This is just such beautiful news. I had no idea.”

“It’s um…” I hesitated. “A little bit of a surprise for us too.”

“Life is funny that way, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ve been there. My Reese was a big surprise. And by big, I mean all ten pounds, two ounces of him.”

My eyes widened. “Ten?”

“I’d say don’t worry, since he’s not biologically related to Garrett, but wasn’t Garrett a big baby, Paul?”

He shrugged. “Am I supposed to remember?”

She laughed. “I’m pretty sure all three of Paul’s boys were at least nine pounds. Runs in the family. But don’t let that scare you. This baby won’t necessarily be bigger than average.”

“I think I was almost ten pounds,” Owen said. “Wasn’t I, Dad?”

“Ten pounds exactly,” Garrett said.

I didn’t know if I was more shocked at the sudden talk of ten-pound newborns and what that might mean for my body, or the fact that no one was lecturing me about how I’d ruined everyone’s life.

They were happy about this?

Were they for real?

“Come on, let’s eat.” Marlene took my hands and led me toward the dining room. “How are you feeling? Are you sure chili is okay? If you’re having heartburn, I can get you something else. It’s not terribly spicy, but it might aggravate things.”