“Um…” I so didn’t want to admit I had underwear that looked like that. But lying about it to save myself from embarrassment wasn’t going to help. “I have some just like them.”
His gaze swung to mine and although his expression didn’t change, there was an intensity in his eyes. “These are like the ones you have, or they’re actually yours?”
“I don’t know. I checked my drawer, but I don’t remember how many pairs I have to know whether one is missing.”
He pinched the waistband with his other hand, holding them up so the shape was visible in all its frumpy glory. “But these are the same? Brand, size, color, everything?”
“Yes. Can we maybe not analyze my embarrassing undergarments this closely? I know we’re having a baby, but I don’t think I’m ready for you to know about my ugly granny panties.”
He dropped them in the box. “Let’s check your bedroom.”
I let him go first and he moved slowly, looking around like he was taking in every detail. He paused next to my dresser.
“Which drawer?”
“Top one.”
“Is it okay if I look?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
He opened my top drawer and I only died inside a little bit as he quickly found every pair of beige granny panties I owned.
“Five. Are there any in your hamper or the laundry?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Could this have been a pack of six? Or two packs of three?”
“I honestly don’t remember. But even if the ones in the box aren’t mine, how did someone know I wear those? You’re the only one in this town who’s taken off my panties, and I certainly wasn’t wearing those.” I lowered my voice and muttered, “Thank goodness.”
“And you’re not wearing a pair like these now?”
“No,” I said, as if I were shocked and insulted. Which was so dumb. Obviously I owned them. It wouldn’t have been a leap to find that I wore them sometimes.
He put the underwear back in the drawer and closed it. “Have you accidentally left a door unlocked or come home to find anything out of place?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Have you noticed anything unusual? Maybe something on the floor and you didn’t know how it got there or something moved from where it should have been?”
“Nothing I can remember.”
He put his hands on his hips and let out a frustrated breath. “Damn it.”
“I’m concerned someone was in your house. Do you remember where you bought the underwear? Could you look it up to see if you should have five pairs or six?”
“We’re getting very detailed.”
“Love, it’s my job.”
Oh my goodness, he’d just called me love. My insides melted into a swirly puddle of sugary happiness.
“Okay. Of course I’ll look it up.”
We went back to the kitchen and I grabbed my phone. I searched my email for the underwear brand and sure enough, the order was still there.