He patted me on the back. “I’m just giving you shit.”
“You forgot, Garrett doesn’t have a sense of humor,” Luke said.
“Yes, I do. But this isn’t funny.”
“I mean, it’s kinda funny,” Theo said.
I glared at him again.
“I’m not saying it isn’t a big deal. This is huge. But if any of us were going to unintentionally get a girl pregnant, it’s funny that it’s you.”
“Why is that funny to you?”
“Isn’t it obvious? You’re the boy scout. Always prepared, always responsible.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“It’s not. This is just… I don’t know, an amusing reminder that you’re human.”
Blowing out a breath, I shook my head. “I’m an asshole. That’s what I am. I knew I was moving too fast with her. I knew I needed to hold back. And what did I do?”
Theo made the “compatibility” motion again.
I elbowed him. Harder.
He laughed. “Sorry.”
“Unlike football brain over there, I think this is serious,” Luke said.
My gaze shifted to him.
“Don’t look so skeptical. I’m not going to make a joke.”
I lifted my eyebrows.
“But I am wondering when you had time to make a baby with your busy crime fighting schedule.”
“Crime fighting? I’m not a comic book character.”
“You could be. You’ve got that Captain America thing going on.”
“Except I don’t think Cap got anyone pregnant,” Theo said.
“You two are so helpful,” I deadpanned. “I’m glad you stopped in.”
“Hey, jerks,” a voice said behind me. “What’s going on?”
I glanced over my shoulder at my brother, Zachary. He strolled over to the bar looking entirely too full of himself. I smirked at the smudge of what looked like red lipstick on his upper lip.
“What’s on your face?” Theo asked.
Zachary swiped his nose. “Where? Did I get it?”
Theo mimicked wiping his upper lip. “There. It’s either Marigold’s lipstick, or you should probably see a doctor.”
Grinning, Zachary rubbed his thumb across his lip. “What can I say, my wifey is hot.”