Page 43 of Temptation Trails

“We have butterscotch chip today. Those are very popular.”

“You made them?”

Why did he always ask that? “Yes.”

“Okay. I’ll take one of those.”

“I got it.” Owen jumped in front of me and put a butterscotch chip cookie into a bag.

“I was listening to a podcast last night,” Matt said. “It reminded me of you.”

I didn’t like where that was going. “Oh?”

“The victim worked in a bakery.” His eyes were intense. “Just like you do.”


“And her killer was a customer who was obsessed with her.”

“That’s incredibly disturbing.”

He grinned. “I know, right?”

Owen cleared his throat and held out the bagged cookie. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Matt took it, paid with cash, and I handed him his change.

“Thanks for coming in.”

“Nice to see you again. Are you open every day?”

“We’re closed on Mondays.”

“Got it.” He took a slow step back. “Maybe I’ll see you around.”

Note to self: stay home on Mondays. “Enjoy your cookie.”

Finally, he turned and left. The door shut behind him and I let out a breath.

“Bruh, he was sus.”

I turned to Owen, pressing my lips together so I wouldn’t smile like a dork. He’d just called me bruh. That meant he liked me, right? I was in. It was all I could do not to squeal.

“So sus,” I managed, and almost sounded like I used that word regularly. “It wasn’t just me?”

“No, he definitely lives in his mom’s basement.”

I burst out laughing. “Oh my gosh. Poor guy. His true crime fascination is disturbing. Do you know who he is?”

He shrugged. “I’ve seen him around.”

The timer went off with a ding. “Hey, look at us, not burning the cookies.”

“Do you get to eat the stuff you bake?”

“Is that code for can I have a cookie?”

His sheepish grin was adorable. “Maybe?”