Page 23 of Temptation Trails

“And prettier than Ms. Fallbrook,” Theo added.

I glanced at my dad, hoping he’d change the subject or something. But he just shrugged, as if to say, you’re on your own this time.

“Look, I’m not dating Harper. I’m not interested in dating anyone.”

“Why?” Luke asked.

“I don’t have time. I have enough going on in my life as it is. And Owen and I are fine on our own.”

“Yeah, but you totally like her,” Owen said.

My kid could see right through me. “I don’t even know her.”

“You forgot my name.”

“I told you, it was a blip.”

Owen turned to his uncles. “He forgot my name when we were talking to her. Then he tried to blame it on a senior moment.”

“What? No I didn’t. You said it was a senior moment.”

“If you’re having senior moments, I might as well hang up my tool belt,” Dad said.

“As soon as he saw her, he made this face.” Owen tilted his head, widened his eyes, and stuck his tongue partially out. “Like, uh, you’re so pretty, now I don’t know my own kid’s name.”

My brothers were practically choking, trying to hold back their laughter.

I kept my expression neutral and my voice even. “You’re so grounded.”

“I’m already grounded.”

“You’re grounded longer.”

“How long?”

“Until I say you’re done.”

“That’s not fair. I need a sentence length.”

“Five years.”

His mouth dropped open. “You can’t ground me until I’m nineteen.”

“Fine. Four years. You’re grounded until you’re an adult.”


“He can still play football for me next year, though, right?” Theo asked.

I locked eyes with Owen and watched as his filled with fear. The kid was dying to play for Theo when he got to high school next year. “As long as his crime spree is over.”

“Was it really a spree?” Theo asked. “I’m thinking it was a one-time thing. He was like, crime curious.”

“We’ve all been there, right?” Luke asked.

I was about to say I’d never stolen anything, but that wouldn’t have been true.

And I didn’t need Owen hearing that story.