Page 22 of Temptation Trails

“What about Saturday?” Mom asked. “Does he need a ride?”

“What’s going on Saturday?” Theo asked.

“I have to go work at the bakery,” Owen said. “Pay off my debt to society.”

“I don’t know about your debt to society,” I said. “But your debt to Harper, yeah.”

“Wait, who’s Harper?” Luke asked.

Note to self: Luke doesn’t know her, so he isn’t the reason she said our missed date was for the best. My eyes moved to Theo. No recognition. He hadn’t met her either.

Good to know.

“She’s the lady Dad likes,” Owen said.

Luke and Theo—who I have to point out are not biologically related to each other—somehow donned identical smart-ass grins.

“Ooooh,” Theo said, as if we were all eighth graders. “Garrett likes a girl?”

“Is she cute?” Luke asked.

“I don’t—”

Owen cut off what would have been a lame attempt at denial. Or at least deflection. “She’s really pretty. Even prettier than Ms. Fallbrook. And basically every guy at Tilikum Middle School has a crush on Ms. Fallbrook.”

That was kind of alarming. “Do you have a crush on Ms. Fallbrook?”

He shrugged. “I’m a guy, aren’t I?”

Luke and Theo both laughed.

“She’s an adult.” I shot yet another glare at my brothers.

Owen rolled his eyes. “So?”

“Can we go back to the lady Garrett likes?” Luke asked.

“Luke, don’t cause trouble,” Mom warned.

“I’m not.” He laughed. He was so causing trouble. On purpose. “I’m just curious what’s going on in my brother’s life.”

Theo leaned forward and rested his chin on his fists. “Yes, Garrett. Tell us what’s going on in your life.”

“He was supposed to go out with Harper, but something came up and he wasn’t able to make it,” Mom said.

I looked over at her. “Now who’s causing trouble?”

“I’m just providing context.”

“You went out with the bakery lady?” Owen asked. “When?”

“I didn’t go out with her.”

“Right. He was going to,” Mom corrected. “Owen, how do you feel about your dad dating? Has anyone talked to you about that yet?”

I tried, and probably failed, to keep the exasperation out of my voice. “I’m not dating anyone.”

Owen shrugged. “Kinda weird that he doesn’t. I’m fine with it as long as she’s nice. And the bakery lady seemed really nice.”