Page 153 of Temptation Trails

The pain brought me back to consciousness.

Everything hurt. I’d been tased before, in training, so I knew what the aftermath felt like. But Phillip had hit the trigger multiple times, so this was worse. My muscles ached right down to my bones.

And my head. Fuck. He’d scored a perfect blow to my temple. Lights out.

Vaguely, I wondered if I had a concussion. The knock-out meant it was likely. Although, severe as a head injury could be, it was kind of the least of my problems.

Trying not to groan, I opened my eyes. I was on a floor, bound at the wrists and ankles. My head was on something hard—not the dirt of a root cellar. Metal. He’d moved me.

Which meant Luke wasn’t going to find us.

“Are you waking up this time?”

I didn’t answer. Just blinked, trying to get my head to clear. Trying to think through the pain.

“Welcome back.”

Things started coming into focus. A small space with a metal floor and bare walls. And Phillip seated in a folding chair, one ankle crossed over his knee.

Where was Harper?

He tilted his head, regarding me with calculating eyes. “You’re every bit as heavy as I thought you’d be. It wasn’t easy to move you.”

A coal of rage burned hot in my gut. “Where’s Harper.”

“She’s fine.”

“Tell me where she is.”

He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. His hands were covered with supple leather gloves. He watched me for a long moment, like a predator toying with his prey. “You’ve been an interesting challenge, Haven. A worthy adversary. It’s going to be an honor to kill you.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

He smiled. “I think I was clear.”


“Why am I going to kill you?” He leaned back in his chair. “Because I can.”

“That’s it?”

“No, I suppose that’s not it. It’s been too long. I’ve been craving it. After a while, the craving becomes too strong and I have to give in. And once the idea came to me, I couldn’t get it out of my head. Plus, I knew you’d never give up on a cold case.”

“You did kill Jasmine.”

He nodded slowly, his eyes unfocused, as if he were remembering the murder with pleasure. “She was my first.”

“But not your last.”

“No. Trust me, once you get a taste for it, there’s no going back.”

“Who else?”

“Sorry, Haven. You’re not getting out of this alive, but I’m not stupid. Besides, none of them were in your jurisdiction. With the exception of Jasmine, and now you, I don’t shit where I eat.”

Hunting and fishing trips. Phillip Lancaster was known for going out of town on hunting and fishing trips.

My stomach turned at the implications. How many victims had he claimed?