Page 106 of Temptation Trails

There I went with the coasters again. Where had I gotten that? From my mom?

He glanced up from the game on his phone and pushed his headphones off his head as I walked in. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey.” I’d never felt as awkward around my own son as I did right then. “Sorry about last night.”

“Don’t worry about it. Uncle Luke said you were too drunk to come home and went to sleep it off at Uncle Z and Aunt Marigold’s.”

Closing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose. Thanks for that, Luke. “Yeah. I had too much to drink last night. It was irresponsible of me.”

“How bad is the hangover?”

“You’re fourteen. How do you know about hangovers?”

“From movies and stuff. And Uncle Z.”

Figured. “I’m fine. But we need to talk.”

“About what? I got my homework done already. I did it last night too, even before Uncle Luke came over.”

I walked around to the other side of the couch, moved his feet, and sat down. “Not about your homework. About me and Harper.”

His mouth turned up in a grin. “I already know.”

“Yeah, I’m aware that she told you.”

“That’s why you got drunk last night, huh?”

“Yeah, but… No. Owen.”


I groaned. “Just listen. Finding out Harper’s pregnant might be freaking you out, and that’s totally fine. It’s unexpected for all of us and you can take your time getting used to the idea.”

“I’m not freaking out.”

“You’re not?”

“No. Why would I be freaking out? This is awesome.”

I stared at him. Was he serious? “It’s awesome?”

“Yeah, it’s great. I’m going to be a big brother. Harper thought I’d freak out too and I don’t know why. I hope it’s a boy. No, then he might be like Will. Then again, if it’s a girl, she might be like the twins. Do you think it’s twins?”

“No. I don’t—I hope not.”

“You have to admit, that would be cool. Emma and Juliet are fun.”

His cousins were fun. The sudden image of a tiny baby girl in my arms almost sucked the air from my lungs. But this conversation was starting to go sideways. “I don’t think twins are likely. And that’s not what I’m concerned about right now.”

“What are you concerned about?”

He had no idea. I had a list a mile long. “You, first of all. I don’t know how this is all going to work out, but our lives are going to change.”

“Are you going to get married? You should.”

“Slow down, kid.”

“I’m just saying, it would be cool.”