“I couldn’t have survived today without you. Thank you.” David’s soft, deep rumble rolled through her body.
“There were a few bumpy moments, but it ended strong. You were great with the girls. Lottie, too.” Sadie stepped back, needing space. Because this barefoot man had held a baby all afternoon while playing dolls with three little girls until they had all fallen asleep. And she liked it. Liked him.
But David didn’t let her go far, his hands tightening on her waist, stopping her retreat.
“It ended strong because you were here. You helped. You always make things better.” David’s hand cupped her cheek, his calloused palm steady as she leaned into it.
David bent down slightly, resting his forehead against hers. She enjoyed his closeness. His clean scent mixed with baby powder and caramel candies. His familiarity, the newness of the situation, the excitement of his touch.
Slowly, Sadie lifted her hands and rested them on David’s chest. It had become so solid. So strong. The kind of constant strength that could support a girl. A family.
“Sadie?” David’s breath tickled her face.
“Hmm?” She couldn’t quite find words to say.
“If you keep touching me like that, I’m going to kiss you.”
Sadie’s hands stilled.
What had she been doing?
Her hands on his chest twitched and itched with the desire to move. Again.
David dipped his head to make eye contact as heat climbed her neck. “I’d like to. Okay?”
Okay? It might not be okay if he kept looking at her like that. Her heart picked up speed, and her breath turned short and shallow. If he looked at her like that much longer, she might kiss him. Sadie lifted her face up toward him and hummed agreement.
She closed her eyes in anticipation. David’s gentle breath heated her face for a heartbeat, the desire to close the distance almost overwhelming. But this moment couldn’t—shouldn’t—be rushed. A shiver raced down her spine as she waited.
His body leaned closer still, his nose brushing against hers. It would be so easy to close the gap. Instead, she let the intensity of the moment build. A warm hand slid down her back, tucking her even closer.
Finally, finally, David’s lips pressed against hers.
Fireworks exploded behind her eyes. Her body trembled, relishing the gentle pressure of David’s hand on her lower back and the one on her face. His touch was featherlight, like the pressure on her lips.
Kissing David was better than she remembered. Better than she dreamed…because after the almost good-night kiss on her doorstep, David’s kisses had a starring role in her dreams.
In that moment, the front porch faded away, the concerns of the day gone, worry over the store and money nonexistent. There was only David. The feel of his lips as they moved against hers. He tasted of root beer and caramel candy. Delicious and sweet. The tender exploration of her mouth made her feel treasured and…loved.
She kissed him back with all the longing the day had built up. With all the hope of a future, of a family, of love, and of home.
David pressed her closer, erasing what little space remained between them. A wave of electricity coursed through her body. His fingers wove through her hair as he deepened the kiss. His strong arms familiar and reassuring, new and exciting. His hands confident, and achingly tender.
Sadie slid her arms from his chest and around his neck, running her fingers up into his hair.
A moan escaped from David, and he slowed the kiss, gently moving to Sadie’s jaw and up to her ear. He hummed a sound of appreciation that caused goosebumps to race over her skin. She shivered as he worked his way back to her mouth, gently kissing her lips. Once. Twice. A third time he lingered, before he loosened his grip on her back.
Thankfully, he didn’t let go, because Sadie’s legs wouldn’t hold her up.
David’s fingers gently moved down her neck, to her shoulder, and then her arm. “Wow.”
That wow had stuck with her. Because thirty minutes later, as Sadie tucked a still sleeping Lottie into her own bed, she could still feel the effects of the kiss down to her toes. Wow, indeed.
She pulled out her phone and saw a bunch of messages she’d missed from her siblings.
Anna: Brock and I broke up today. I think it’s for good this time.
Toby: Good. He’s a loser and you can do better.