We had sex last weekend, and it had been nothing like the first time. As impersonal as possible, Miles managed to be inside me while barely touching me. Never kissing me. Not looking at me. He hadn’t been mean, nor had he made me feel used. It had just been another brick in the wall he’d mounted between us, and it made me heavy with sadness.
Goodness didn’t come free. Filling myself with everything lovely and bright and wonderful that was Miles had left me feeling ugly and dark and awful when I’d left that hotel two weekends ago, and it hadn’t waned.
Forlorn I now knew what I wanted and couldn’t have it.
Miles had made it clear he wasn’t interested in dating or anything more. I hadn’t thought I would be so soon, but that was before I’d known someone like Miles Aldrich was a possibility.
Except…I didn’t want someone like him. For me, it was Miles or no one at all.
Taking in a deep breath, I turned to Clara and Shira, whom I’d only met once in far different circumstances. Both looked beautiful, Clara with her sleek bob and clear, perfect skin, and Shira with her long, dark waves and elfin features—though, Shira seemed slightly shrunken in on herself.
It was hard to believe it had been nearly three months since they’d overheard my conversation with my mama in the funeral home. I felt like I was a different person than I’d been back then.
“It’s so nice to see you again,” I said to them. “I’ve been wanting to properly thank you, but my go-to gift is cupcakes, and that won’t cut it this time.”
Clara waved me off. “Please don’t think I’m ever above accepting cupcakes.”
I cast my hand over my tray. “Well, take your pick for a sneak peek.”
Clara plucked a couple off my tray, and I turned to Shira, forcing her to as well. She was far more reticent, reaching in slowly and only taking one.
I wanted to ask her how she was. If the ache of losing her husband was still just as bad. Was she lonely? Did she wake up and have to remember her husband was dead all over again?
Of course, I kept my mouth shut.
“You should join us,” Saoirse suggested.
“Yes.” Elise perked up. “Can you come hang out? Or will your boss get pissed?”
“Considering I’m my own boss and I’d love to hang out, chances are low I’m going to get pissed.” I placed a couple charc cups and several cupcakes on the table. “I’m going to drop off my tray. I’ll be right back.”
Ducking behind the bar, I hustled into the back room and deposited my tray on the little table reserved for me. I took off my hat and threw a hoodie over my skimpy outfit, then turned to rejoin my friends when Nick appeared in the doorway.
“It’s barely ten,” he gruffed.
“I’m not leaving. Just a break.”
His brow pinched. “You don’t take breaks.”
“I do when I need one. I have friends here I’d like to spend time with.” I put my hands on my hips. “What’s up with you tonight?”
He folded his arms across his chest. “I think it’s obvious, D. I’m not happy about you leaving, and I worry your little business venture will blow up and you’ll be without an income.”
“Your worry is unwarranted, Nick. I have a big brother for that.” I wasn’t about to discuss the intricacies of my income. That was none of his business.
“Beau’s not around. I am. I’m going to step up—”
“Nope.” I raised my hand. “I appreciate all you’ve done by letting me work here, but this isn’t necessary. I’m doing really well, and if I happen to struggle, I have my family to back me up. Now, if you’d let me pass, I’d like to go see my friends.”
He hesitated for a drawn-out moment, and I became nervous he wouldn’t let me by. Finally, he did, and I shot past him with an edge of panic. I really didn’t like the way Nick had been behaving, like he had some hold over me. He was my brother’s old friend. After tonight, that was all he’d ever be. If he wanted more than that, he needed to get over it.
I passed Bea on my way to our table. We’d done two Grazing jobs together recently, and I felt like we’d been bonding. She was certainly a quick learner, grasping my vision right away, and to tell the truth, working with her was more fun than by myself—especially with the unabating loneliness I couldn’t seem to shake lately.
“Hey, love. Can you grab me a pink lemonade, please?” I asked.
“Sure. I’ll add it to my long, long list,” she deadpanned. “Was Nick bothering you back there?”
“He’s doing the whole big brother routine.”