Page 28 of Out of Bounds

My dad gives a short speech about foster care, education and bringing jobs to eastern Kentucky. Then tells everyone that dancing is expected in the adjacent ballroom.

As I make my way to Lettie, she stands up and storms off. I’m stopped by donors giving me kudos for the speech and wishing me well on the upcoming season. The entire time I’m searching for Lettie over their heads.

I find her on the patio with another drink in her hand. “Why did you say that?” She asks as fire blazes through her emerald eyes, reddened around the green globes.

“I didn’t mention your name.”

“I’m finally starting to see our friendship for what it is to you… a charity case,” she huffs and spins away from me.

“Lettie, baby.” I’ve never called her baby. Never dared for fear of getting slapped so why did it slip out of my mouth?

Her mouth falls open and her head tilts processing my words but then she takes another drink.

“Save the pet names for one of your jersey chasers.”

I sit in the chair letting out an exasperated sigh and question her. “What’s going on?” She resists as I try pulling her into my lap, but she gives in. The lights twinkle above us and the slit in her dress falls to the sides of her leg, leaving her long muscular thigh exposed.

“Don’t get mad at me, but did you take your ADHD medicine?” I ask, as I lay my hand on her leg, and she flinches. “Talk to me.”

“It’s the first time I’ve taken it in two months. It always makes me feel weird the first few days like I’m not myself.” She rests her head on my shoulder.

“I know. I’m sorry, but do you feel you can handle your responsibilities, and relationships without the meds? Like, has not being on it made you forget to do something or be somewhere? Or have you made an impulsive decision?”

“What relationships? Brooke has Reed and Caleb. Tessa and Jules graduated. I don’t feel close to anyone right now.”

That’s a gut punch. I strain to find my voice. “Not even me?”

She stares at her fingers which is all the information I need.

Not even me.

It feels like I can’t breathe, like I’m struggling for an inhale of the fresh mountain air. If Lettie doesn’t feel close to me, then the world must not be spinning.

Lettie changes the subject. “You haven’t asked me to perm your hair. It’s back in style, you know.” She narrows her eyes, and the corners of her lips tip up into a slight smile.

“Would it make you feel close to me? You know, if I let you make me look like Screech from Saved by the Bell again.”

She scoffs and twists on my lap. “Maybe. But I don’t really like curly headed guys anymore.”

“Devon has curly hair. And you were head over heels for Craig King, senior year. And you’re crazy over me.”

“Your hair is thick and wavy, not curly.” She chuckles while scanning the patio. “Can I be honest?”

“I hope you’re always honest with me.” Even though I haven’t been honest with her about how I feel.

As I caress her thigh, we both look down at the same time. Her chin lifts to me. The bridge of her nose creases and her eyes swirl with emotion or maybe I’m reading into it what I want and not what she wants. She didn’t kiss me back at Timber Thrills.

“You confused me the night at the amusement park.” She tucks her lips inside her mouth and her body begins to shake.

Skimming her toned thigh, I admit, “I confused myself. If I’m certain of one thing in life, it’s I need you, my best friend.”

I kiss her bare shoulder and my lips linger before my mouth moves up her neck and then to her ear. “I’m sorry. I’ve kept my feelings hidden for so long, I can’t control myself anymore, but I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship.”

“Oh.” Somehow she seems disappointed. “So, you did kiss me?”

“I had to. I had to know how your lips tasted.”

Chapter Fifteen