Page 132 of When Wishes Bleed

Tauren stood and crossed the room, locking eyes with me. “Then I will work to do so every day,” he breathed. “The people love you, Sable. Witch or not. Daughter of Fate or not. Don’t worry about their reaction.”

If I was being honest, I wasn’t sure who I was without Fate. I wasn’t sure what, if any, ability I might have on my own. I’d always read the futures and fates of others. Could I even do that now, or would I have to conjure love spells for the rest of my life to eke out a living?

Would I have to work magic at all if I was with Tauren?

Would I be the queen? Would the people even want to call me ‘Queen’ if I didn’t marry Tauren permanently, instead of hand-fasting each year?

My chest felt tighter and tighter, and my breaths became more labored as I thought through the myriad of intricacies our irreverent union would reveal.

This will be more difficult than he realizes. This might not work at all. If the people fear me, then no amount of Tauren’s reassuring words will persuade them.

“Hey.” He ran the pad of his thumb over the crease between my brows. “Stop worrying.”

“I can’t.”

I couldn’t stop worrying or running scenarios through my mind, wondering what was to become of me or my House now that Fate had left me in search of someone else.

Tauren pulled me in and hugged me tight. I finally relaxed a little, able to breathe for the first time in hours. “There is nothing we can’t figure out together.” When he pulled back, I clung to him. “What does Fate say about our future?” he asked softly.

Tears pricked the backs of my eyes. “He left me.”

Tauren tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

I took a deep breath. “He said that I couldn’t be with you and serve him at the same time…and when I chose you, he left me. He’s gone. I can’t feel him at all.”

“Who is the new Daughter – or Son – of Fate?” he questioned, pure curiosity lacing his features.

I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

“No wonder you’re so unsettled,” he said tenderly. “You’ve had him to lean on since you were a child.”

A knot the size of a wishbone formed in my throat. I was thankful he understood my unease, but pained to hear him say it aloud.

“Sable, I don’t want to seem unsympathetic, but he was right. He was right to give you a choice and to honor it. It would have been very difficult for you to perform your duties to him, and be hand-fasted to me. I’m glad he understood that. But I want you to know that it would be the greatest honor of my life if you would now lean on me in his stead.”

I nodded, one of the many knots curled in my midsection beginning to unravel. “I will. And I want you to promise to do the same.” He once had a father, a King, to turn to, and now that Lucius was gone, I wanted nothing more than to be the confidant Tauren needed.

He offered a small smile. “I promise.”

Just then, the sound of pounding hooves came from outside. Tauren tugged the thick, black curtains back and peeked through the glass. “Courier Stewart has arrived.”

I froze as panic settled in once more. “I’m not ready! And neither are you! You’re not even fully dressed. We’re going to cause a scandal before we even leave the sector!”

Tauren’s chuckle filled the air. “Stewart is discreet. Why do you think I sent for him specifically?” He raised his brows. “Besides, your fellow witches won’t bat an eye. They know how we feel about each other. And we are hand-fasted. I’m sure they expect much more from us within the next year…”

My cheeks warmed at the thought of being intimate with him.

Or for people across the Kingdom to think, or know, we had been.

Bay once told me that knowing something and seeing it firsthand were very different things.

From downstairs came Mira’s voice. “Sable?”

I ran to the bedroom door and slipped into the hallway, closing it behind me. She met me just outside the door. “I have a few things for you,” she announced with a beaming smile, holding up a garment concealed by a dark bag. “You should wear this today. The rest, I’ve given to the Courier.”

Mira was a friend I never expected to show up in my life, but one I couldn’t imagine living without now. I hugged her tightly around the neck. She squeaked and I eased my grip. “Sorry.”

Mira laughed. “I can’t wait to see you tonight.”