Fate was finally stirring.
Please don’t ask me to hang anyone tonight. Not tonight. Please, I begged. Ivy had promised we would be able to rest for a season, and I felt tired enough to hibernate all the way to spring.
Someone knocked at the front door. Wrapped in a thick robe, I went to open it, startled to see Brecan standing on the step. “Mira told me to come over and dry your hair. She’s coming over to style it. You might want to close your eyes and hold onto your robe,” he warned with a grin.
He pointed a finger at me. Wind gusted from it and almost instantly, my hair was dry and fluffy. I thanked him, but told him to let Mira know she didn’t have to worry about me. “You know her. She’ll be over in a few minutes.” He winked over his shoulder and hovered down the steps, across the Center, and to his House.
I barely made it back to the washroom before Mira entered the House. “Sable?” she yelled. “Did Brecan dry your hair yet?”
“He did, but honestly, I’m fine,” I told her, puzzled about why they suddenly felt I needed help grooming myself.
She waved me off. “You are not wearing the gown we made you with hair like that.”
“Like what?” I scoffed.
“It looks like it’s detecting a nearby lightning storm!” she giggled.
“Thanks a lot, Mira.”
She shrugged. “You asked.”
She marched me to the washroom and then left it, returning a moment later with a kitchen chair. “Sit.”
I sat.
She brushed and twisted and pinned my hair until it resembled a beautiful, sleek mass of coiling serpents on my head. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, popping in the final pin.
“Thank you, Mira. For everything.”
She kissed my cheek. “What are best friends for?” When someone outside shouted her name, she blew out a long breath. “I need to go make sure my witches are ready.”
“Me too,” I pretended to worry. “Arron, are you ready?” I yelled.
Mira laughed.
“He likes you, you know.”
Mira’s face turned red. “Good.”
“Good?” I asked. My brows arched, and I giggled as her blush deepened to crimson.
She nodded. “Could I speak to him for a moment?”
“Absolutely. I have to get dressed anyway.”
Her footsteps creaked up the stairs.
I could hear her speaking with Arron, but wasn’t sure about what. I wanted so badly to eavesdrop, but refrained.
He walked with her down the steps, his eyes on her instead of the staircase. I was afraid he’d tumble down them or worse, that his suit would be stained with drool. I hid my smile behind my hand.
“Ready?” he asked, more chipper than I’d ever heard him.
Mira promised to meet us at the Memoriam celebration and walked to her House to ensure all was in order, herding a small flock of Water witches back with her. They disappeared behind the main door.
The Fire witches, bedecked in blazing red, orange, and yellow gowns made their way into the Center. Ivy and her Earth witches were next, garbed in every shade from emerald to jade. Then emerged the witches of Air, arrayed in complementing shades of white and sky blue. Last, Mira led the witches of Water to join the others, their kaleidoscope of deep blue hues completing the colorful rainbow.