Mira waited until I looked at her. “Promise me you’ll think about it.”
Sighing, I replied, “I promise.”
The next morning when I woke, the din of conversation grew in the Center as witches from every House gathered. I woke Arron and we went out to join them. An Air witch excitedly informed us that the new Earth Priestess was about to be introduced.
As soon as she said it, Ethne, Brecan, and Mira emerged from the wood with a fourth witch. Ivy, from the House of Earth, had been anointed as the new Priestess. She was lovely, with hair and freckles the same dark, earthy shade of pine bark. Her kind, evergreen eyes fell on everyone who came out to applaud her, including Arron and me.
I felt the pull of her power from where I stood. Tender grass shoots flourished beneath her feet as every step she took brought life. Every tree she touched regained its color, and while leaves wouldn’t come until spring, she promised they would return. That all would be as it once was.
With regard to nature, all would be restored. With regard to life? Nothing would be as it was.
Ethne stepped forward, a rare smile on her face. “Witches, I give you Ivy, Priestess of the House of Earth.”
Ivy bowed as Ethne crowned her with a wreath made of twisted vines. As soon as the dry vine touched her head it came alive, small flowers budding and then blooming around the circlet.
“We have much to do to set things right,” Ivy said in a sweet-sounding voice. “But, as soon as the balance has returned, the Circle wants to celebrate with an Affinity Battle, which will take place on All Hallow’s Eve.”
The witches gasped collectively and then cheered.
There hadn’t been a battle in at least five years, but from what I remembered from watching the last one, it was something the witches enjoyed. They challenged one another to retrieve a specific crystal from the porch of each House. No spiriting was allowed; only Earth, Air, Fire, Water, sweat, and determination.
“This year, we’d like to invite the House of Fate to join us as well.”
My mouth gaped for a moment before I recovered. “We accept.” I smiled and nudged Arron, who seemed confused. I whispered to him, “I’ll explain later.”
Mira explained that we would divide into our Houses and receive further instructions. Everything that had been marred would require replenishment, and since much had been affected, there was a lot of work to be done between now and All Hallow’s Eve.
Arron and I would help, too. We hovered in the Center to see where we could best assist.
Brecan found us first. “You ready?” he asked.
Arron glanced at me and answered, “We were wondering what was taking so long.”
Brecan laughed and waved for us to join his House.
It was strange to feel welcome here, but it gave me a sense of relief. I didn’t realize how tense and uncomfortable I’d been in my own sector until I left it.
Having a purpose made the hard days pass quickly, but I watched the moon in my empty moments, even during the day when the sky was clear. Tomorrow, she would be full. I was restless. Fate was so quiet, at times I forgot he was there.
“Does Tauren need me?” I asked him into my mirror while towel-drying my damp hair. “Should I go to him?”
Fate did not answer. But my heart did.
I threw the towel to the floor and jogged down the steps. “Arron, I need to go –”
Arron was in the sitting room, standing awkwardly beside Courier Stewart as he worried his hat. “Miss Sable,” he greeted with relief.
My eyes filled with tears. “Is he okay?”
“He’d like you to come to the palace, if you’re not too busy.”
I nodded. “I’ll go to him now.”
The Courier inclined his head. “Thank you, Miss.”
I glanced at Arron, who nodded in understanding. Without further thought or conversation needed, I raced to the door, flung it open, and spirited to the palace steps, surprising the two guards who were stationed there. Once they saw my face, they relaxed. “I need to see Tauren,” I demanded breathlessly.
They opened the doors and I slipped inside, scurrying on feather-light steps to the King’s chamber. The guards standing sentinel outside the door waved me inside without complaint. I entered and almost gasped at the heart-wrenching tableau spread out before me. Tauren sat on one side of his father and the Queen sat on the other, each grasping one of the King’s limp hands. King Lucius lay almost flat, his head elevated with a pillow. His skin was yellow and sagged on his bones. The thick blankets covering him could not conceal his swollen middle.