He took a step forward, then another, until our bodies almost touched. “I am the Prince of every subject in the Kingdom. What am I to you, Sable?”
“The boy with the golden eyes, and heart to match,” I admitted before I lost the nerve to say it aloud.
“Is that how you thought of me? Before you knew who I was?”
He moved a step closer, pressing his front to mine. This time, I didn’t retreat. I did swallow nervously. Brecan had been just as close before, but this was different. As much as Brecan thought he wanted me, it had never felt as intense as this. Tauren definitely wanted me in this moment.
He raked a knuckle down my cheek. “I don’t understand.”
My brows furrowed in confusion.
“Have you cast a spell on me?”
“I would never do that,” I answered, shaking my head.
“Then what is this?”
Fate, I wanted to say, as a warm sensation filled my stomach. This is fate.
When the heavy door opened, Tauren and I stepped away from one another guiltily, the tether between us slackening. “Sire,” a guard announced. “Your father needs you. He’s quite shaken.”
“Of course. I was just enjoying an evening swim.” Tauren climbed out of the pool, grabbed a towel, and strode out of the room behind the guard.
His father wasn’t the only one who was shaken. Just then, a vision popped into my mind of Tauren’s dead body, floating face-down in this very pool.
Iknocked on Brecan’s door to tell him I was back, and when he was satisfied with my whereabouts, rushed to my room. I’d tried to dry off while at the pool, but despite the towel wrapped around me, I was still dripping water all over the floors. A warm shower did nothing to ease the ache in my chest, or the unsettled feeling in my stomach.
Does the mystery witch know we were swimming? Is he watching us?
The boot prints in Tauren’s room were large, too large for Mira’s tiny feet and much larger than mine, which led me to believe they were made by a male witch. But it couldn’t have been Brecan. He was sincere when he said he wasn’t involved, and Fate confirmed it. Fate had never lied to me, and now I knew Brecan hadn’t, either.
Showered and restless, I knew there was no way I could sleep. I dressed in a sleeping set of shorts and a camisole that Mira had laid out for me made of soft, black cotton, lined with matching lace. Exiting my room, I headed out to find solace in one of the gardens that dotted the perimeter of the palace. A guard nodded as I passed by and opened the door to one of the gardens.
I regretted stepping foot in it the moment I looked up. Tauren was on a balcony with his back to me, his arms wrapped around Leah, the exotic beauty from Sector Two. She pushed up onto the tips of her toes and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. Her slender fingers raked through his dark hair.
He returned the kiss with matching fervor, pulling her closer until not even a sliver of light could pass between them.
I swallowed the knot that formed in my throat. What a stupid girl I am! I was no better than the murdered witch I tried to warn away from Twelve. She was blind to what was right in front of her face, and I was the same.
I edged back to the door and opened it to head back inside, startling the guard positioned at it. “Miss Sable, is there anything I can do for you?” He waited patiently, brows raised.
“No. It… it’s colder than I realized.”
He averted his eyes and I walked back toward the staircase, rushing down the hallway and falling against my door when I closed it behind me, chastising myself for being such a fool. Somehow, I’d believed Tauren and I were fated, which wasn’t even possible. We were from different worlds, different beliefs, upbringings, and values.
He must marry one of these women, I reminded myself. I silently thanked Tauren for the reminder of the purpose of this contest: the prize of a wife.
Two taps sounded on the door. “Sable?” Tauren suddenly said from behind my door where he stood in the hallway, as if conjured by my thoughts.
Tears pricked at my eyes. Oh, Goddess, no. He must have seen me in the garden. He probably thought I was spying on him, or worse. Perhaps he would ask for my discretion. Mortified didn’t begin to describe how I felt.
He knocked again and I watched the brass door handle turn slowly to the right. I waved my hand and whispered a spell to seal it shut.
“I’m tired, Tauren. Could we speak tomorrow?” I asked softly.
I just couldn’t face him. Not after he was with her.