Mary exploded, “It’s what she damn well needs! You gonna just let her die because she thinks it’s best? Well, she’s a kid. What does she know? That’s what I think.”
Mary was never one to let anyone assume her thoughts. She spoke them boldly. She didn’t say anything I hadn’t already thought about, though. “She gets to choose her path, Mary. You know better than anyone what it is to have choices made for you. Especially a decision as personal and intimate as this.”
Mary stiffened and folded her hands in front of her. “I also know what it’s like to be loved so much that someone would do anything not to lose me. And what it feels like not to be worth it.” With those words, she turned and left the room.
Eve’s eyes opened.
“You heard that?”
She nodded, another tear falling. “I know no one understands, but if you saw what I did… If you saw a vampire kill the only person in the world who loved you, and who promised never to leave you…”
“I understand,” I offered. “I also know I can’t bear to lose you, either.”
She sat up. “Can I talk to Titus and Maru?”
I nodded and told her I’d be back. “Just them, please. You… you can listen from downstairs.”
I nodded again and pulled the door closed behind me, listening to her blow out a tense breath. Maybe Mary got through to her.
Or maybe I was wearing her down.