I couldn’t help but smile at that. I bet Victor appreciated the messages I sent him. But I guess I should’ve sent them to Kael alone.
“The timeline might change Kael’s original plan, right?” I brought up. “The telepathic boy might give Kael the information he needs to crush Enoch before he can act against him.”
Maru nodded. “If Kael gets details about the Haven and acts quickly, it could change everything.”
“Is Victor still technically in power?” I asked.
“He was when I left, as far as I could tell. When the clones landed, I questioned Kael about the clones he’d sent, inadvertently revealing it to Victor. That’s when I found out Victor had no idea Kael had cloned you, and he said I knew too much.”
Titus whistled. “Kiss of death. How’d you get away?”
“Eve’s second clone distracted them by crashing to the ground, and I ran like hell.” Titus chuckled, but I didn’t think it was funny. If he’d been caught, they would’ve killed him. “I knew I couldn’t go back after that. The next day, he announced that I was wanted for treason. Even put a bounty on my head.”
“Seriously? How much?” Titus asked.
“Why? You wanna cash in?” Maru fired back playfully.
“Absolutely! I have to use every bargaining chip I can to get my ass out of this mess.”
“And what if you’re clean out of bargaining chips?” Terah asked, stepping out from behind a large tree just above us.