“And this friend?” Seth ground out when Rowe reached the end of his story. “When was the last time you heard from him?”

“Umm…almost a week, I think.” Liam folded his hands together in his lap to keep himself from fidgeting. “We talked just after Sven’s wedding.”

“In person or on the phone?”

“In person. He came into the shop.”

Seth gave a little nod. “Did anything seem off about him, then?”

Liam dug through his mind for the memory. It took a minute. There had been nothing particularly remarkable about the conversation.

“He seemed stressed, but we were both stressed. The shop was still coming together. It had been open for only a few days. He was working on lining up another reliable source for bulk flowers. Money was tight,” Liam said. “I didn’t think much of it. He said he was going out of town to check in with a flower supplier, but it was supposed to take only a day or two.”

“Liam’s going to meet with Gidget and give her the details of his visitors,” Rowe said. “I want you with him twenty-four hours for the next few days. These assholes are going to be back unless this Gerald makes an appearance soon.”

Seth’s gaze snapped to Liam for a heartbeat, and Liam swore he could see panic in those deep-blue eyes. But the look was gone in a blink.

“When they appear, your job is to keep Liam safe, find out how much Gerald owes, and any details you can get about them and who this money is owed to.”

Seth nodded. “Got it, Boss.”

Rowe snorted. “Go grab a shower while I get Liam set up with Gidget. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be around your stink.”

Liam kept his eyes locked on the charcoal-gray carpet under his feet as if his life fucking depended on it. If he looked up, his expression would give away that he reveled in every sweaty inch of Seth.

God, this was a nightmare. It wasn’t bad enough that his business partner owed money to a loan shark, putting both their lives and business in danger. But now he was being protected by his sexy hookup. The one man he wanted to fuck over and over again. The one man who was walking temptation.

The one man he couldn’t touch again.

Shoot me now.Chapter FiveLiam winced as he bent to pick up one of the shipping boxes that had just been dropped off. Seth rushed forward to help and Liam let him. He didn’t think the kicks had broken any ribs, but he was still so damn sore. It was making the store clean up slow.

Plus, Seth had to be bored out of his mind.

“Are there any other things I can do to help out? I’d rather do that than stand around.” Seth carried the box into the back.

Liam scratched his bearded jaw, eyes darting around the room. It was easier than letting them settle on Seth and all his sexiness. “I’ve got some plants that need repotting.”

“You sure you don’t have broken ribs?”

Liam looked at Seth, loving the way he looked in his jeans and blue Henley. He’d decided not to wear the Ward Security uniform shirt so he could surprise the men when they returned to harass Liam. His ripped body looked so damn good in the casual clothes. He moved with an innate grace that made Liam’s mouth water. Was it from all his martial arts training?

“Liam? Are you sure you don’t have broken ribs?” Seth repeated.

He realized he’d been staring at him and not answering. Heat pricked his neck and he nodded. “I’m sure. Just bruised.”

Seth gave him a tight smile he couldn’t interpret and started moving the boxes again.

Liam unpacked them, carefully lifting out the new vases he’d been forced to order. Cash was in short supply, and he’d needed to put them on a credit card. Nerves gripped his heart. Gerald’s disappearance was now more ominous than annoying in light of what happened.

With the boxes unpacked and new stock put away, Liam quickly showed Seth how to repot the plants.

Liam had to open the flower shop despite not having the front completely refilled and luckily, he was getting nice traffic, thanks to the location among other businesses. He was interrupted often around lunchtime. It got slow after that, and he expected it would pick up again once school let out and the students came in to look at the corsages and boutonnieres.

During the lull, Seth worked alongside him, helping him to rehang more glass shelves.

“What made you decide to work in flowers?” Seth asked.

“I’ve always liked them. Their delicacy and strength, the scents and different colors. I like how different colors and flowers have different meanings.”

“I know roses are ‘I love you,’ but what are some of the others?”

“Red roses are ‘I love you.’ White means innocence or a fresh start. Pink is gentleness or grace. Yellow is friendship or jealousy. Orange is desire.”