With his hands occupied, his thoughts flickered to the same place they’d traveled frequently over the past week. To Seth and the night they’d spent together.

It wasn’t often that he connected with someone on that kind of level in a hookup. Damn, that had been some of the hottest sex he’d ever experienced. Now that he knew where the man worked, it was all he could do not to seek him out for a repeat.

But Seth had made it plain he’d been after only one night. So had Liam.

Therefore he had no reason to go after him. None except general horniness.

And honestly, Seth was too young for him. After barely surviving a tumultuous relationship with Ford, he’d never try anything permanent with someone that young again.

Liam had met Ford Masterson at the gym nearly six years ago and had been immediately swept away by the man’s outrageous flirting and bubbly personality. He’d made Liam feel strong and powerful, as if he could accomplish anything. It hadn’t mattered to him at the time that there were more than fifteen years in age between them. Ford had needed him.

But after five years together, Ford finally got tired of him. He’d taken off with the first Daddy he found, one who would give him something Liam had never been interested in—someone willing to take care of him twenty-four hours a day.

Ford hadn’t wanted to do anything for himself, preferring to rely on Liam for every decision that needed to be made.

Liam had no trouble with Daddy/boy relationships and had found the practice hot for a time. But it just wasn’t something he wanted seven days a week and especially not with someone who hadn’t even been able to pick his clothes up off the floor.

Shaking his head, Liam shoved away thoughts of Ford only to have them replaced with thoughts of Seth. The security agent was easily the same age as Ford, but he’d exuded more confidence and independence in the short time they were together than Ford had in five years.

But then, Ford had been charismatic in the beginning too.

Nope. No, young men. Never again.

Not that he was even looking to get in another relationship just six months after separating from Ford.

When he was ready, though, it would be with someone closer to his own age. Someone steady, responsible, and pulled together. Someone who was independent. And it wouldn’t hurt if he had a killer ass.

Thank God customers started to trickle in. They might have put him behind on the corsages, but they distracted him from unwanted thoughts of Ford and Seth. He wished again for Gerald, who was supposed to be helping. He’d have to try calling again after the shop closed. How long should he wait before contacting the police?

Around noon, he stopped for a short break to wolf down the sandwich he’d brought, enjoying the tang of spicy mustard with beef. Salty potato chips rounded out his meal. He ate at the counter so he could watch the shop.

When the door opened, he looked up and saw three men entering. He wiped his hands, smiled, and walked around the counter to greet them even as his gut clenched. There was something about the men that made him uneasy, especially the way they were eyeing him as they came closer. Two of them were even bigger than he was, which was unusual. The smallest of the three stood around five eight or so, and he walked up to Liam.

“The name is Bill. I’m looking for Gerald.”

“He’s not here.” Liam frowned as one of the big guys started moving his delicate vases around on the shelves.

“Where is he?” Bill demanded.

Liam took in the guy’s shrewd expression, the careful way he stared hard at Liam without looking to his men. “I have no idea where he is,” Liam answered, hackles rising. “Why do you want to know?”

Bill crossed his arms. “Gerald is behind on a big debt, and he needs to pay up.”

“I don’t know anything about money he owes.”

“He is half owner of this shop, isn’t he? How do you think he racked up debt?”

Liam had no idea that Gerald had borrowed the money for his half of the shop. His heart raced. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

One of the big men crowded closer. A long scar bisected his cheek and top lip, while massive, meaty hands fisted at his sides. He narrowed dull brown eyes on Liam.

Bill looked around the shop. “Seems you’re profiting from our loss.”

There was a loud crash as one of his vases hit the floor. Liam jumped, bumping his back against one of the large tables.

“Oops,” the other big guy said and moved to the next vase. This one had beady, black eyes.

“There won’t be much of a profit if you guys start breaking the merchandise.” Liam took a step toward the shelves but didn’t get far with the other bruiser between him and his companion. “Stop that right now.”