Page 50 of Downfall

Before Aiden realized what was happening, Seth spun him around and tugged his jeans down his legs. He rucked Aiden's t-shirt up under his armpits, kissed a trail down his naked belly, and then dropped to his knees in front of him.

"Damn," Aiden gasped, biting his lip as the moist heat of Seth's mouth engulfed him. They were alone in the house, but it still felt naughty and dangerous to be sucked off out in the open inside Seth's childhood kitchen. Aiden was standing right next to an air fryer, for cripes sake.

Seth's tongue felt like velvet, swirling in circles around Aiden's pulsing tip before laving the vein on the underside of his shaft. Aiden's cock was still swelling, splitting Seth's lips wide open. The sight of his strong, virile cowboy on his knees, submitting to him, pleasuring him, was enough to drive Aiden half out of his mind. He locked his knees and braced himself against the counter to keep from collapsing. He tried to crack a joke, but his voice was shaking when he admitted, "I'd give anything to wake up like this every day."

Seth looked up at him, eyes so dark with lust that they looked almost black. His mouth was crammed full, so he hummed in response. The vibrations rumbled down the base of Aiden's cock. He threw back his head, cursing through gritted teeth.

Seth squeezed the base of Aiden's shaft with one hand while his free hand undid his own belt buckle. His moan was muffled by Aiden's girth when he shoved his hand inside the open V of his jeans and began jerking off.

"Yeah," Aiden encouraged breathlessly. He ran his fingers through Seth's long hair, restlessly combing tangles before cupping his head and gently guiding him to the rhythm he craved. "That's so hot. Make yourself feel good. I want to see it. Want to see you come all over your stomach while I pump down your throat?—"

He bit his tongue before he could finish the sentence. The suction was so intense that Seth's mouth felt like a vacuum on his rock-hard cock. Seth's hand was moving in time with his mouth, creating a perfect, slippery sheath for Aiden to thrust into. It might be freezing outside, but the kitchen suddenly felt boiling. Aiden was sweating so much that his shirt stuck to his back. "I'm not sure how much more I can take," he warned, teetering on the brink of release. "Seth, I'm gonna… I'm g-gonna…"

Seth timed it perfectly and pulled off with a hard, loud suck. He released his own dick and gripped Aiden's hip in one hand, holding him steady as he increased the pace of his strokes. His fingers were a blur on Aiden's wet shaft, aiming the tip directly toward his open mouth.

"Oh, fuck!" Aiden yelled as a burst of white-hot light exploded behind his eyes. He crashed through the barrier that had been holding him back, diving headlong into the most exquisite orgasm he'd ever experienced, so pleasurable it was almost painful.

As he began to spurt, Seth let out a primal growl and closed his eyes, bathing his face and lips in Aiden's sticky release. Aiden's toes curled in his boots and his limbs turned to jelly, but Seth wasn't finished. He milked every drop from Aiden's spent cock, and then he reached down and gripped his own swollen erection in both hands. He came in seconds. His hips jerked forward, pumping like he was fucking, and his thick, hot seed spurted in streams onto the freshly swept kitchen floor.

It was the hottest thing Aiden had ever seen.

Once he was finally finished, Seth curled one arm around Aiden's thigh and slumped against him. His head was bent, and he was panting like he'd never catch his breath again. Aiden stroked his hair, charmed by his vulnerability and feeling intensely fond and protective.

"Damn," he said once his heart had stopped racing. "If you keep paying me like that, I'm gonna need to quit my job and start up here full-time."

Seth gave an exhausted chuckle and opened his eyes, blinking away the fog of his climax. He fastidiously cleaned Aiden's come from his face with one sleeve, then planted a kiss on the tender skin of Aiden's inner thigh. "I can't offer overtime and a health plan like Michael Whittaker does," he murmured.

"Mm," Aiden murmured, petting him affectionately. "Orgasms are good for health."

"Yeah?" Seth's lips curved into a small, hopeful smile. That light in his eyes was something special. Aiden would do anything to keep seeing it.

"Yeah." Aiden took a deep breath, feeling more vulnerable than he had a moment ago when he was coming all over that handsome face. "It's… it's something we could talk about, I guess. Right?"

Seth climbed to his feet, tugging Aiden into a gentle kiss before saying cautiously, "The Double Jay is years away from profitability. It's far from town. I go weeks without seeing another soul, and you're the biggest extrovert I know. You'd be giving up a hell of a lot."

"Maybe," Aiden acknowledged, looking into his eyes and falling deeper in love when he saw the care and concern there. "But I'd be gaining even more."

Chapter Twenty-Three


When Seth strolled through the Hungry Pig’s front door, a hush fell over the diner. He ignored it. Over the past few weeks, he'd been making a concerted effort to come into town whenever Tessa or Aiden prompted. It grew easier with each trip down the mountain. The sideways looks and stilted conversation ebbed with each new interaction.

It's exposure therapy, Aiden told him after Tina Mendoza shocked herself by laughing at a joke he'd made in the grocery checkout line. They just need to remember why they all loved you.

They hadn't loved him, of course. Not really. They'd been awed by his father's legacy as one of the smartest, toughest ranchers in three counties, and they'd transferred that hero worship to him when he was young. It wasn't anything like friendship or loyalty, or they wouldn’t have reacted with such scandalous glee when he stumbled. Not all of them, though. Maybe he'd painted too many people with the same judgmental brush they'd used on him.

The diner was buzzing with the midday rush, filled with the hum of voices and clinking silverware. The air smelled of grease and charred burgers. It was a punishingly cold afternoon, but the cheery diner was boiling from so many bodies crammed into its vinyl booths. Every wall was cluttered with pig décor: pigs in chef hats, hula skirts, astronaut costumes. The branded coffee mugs were emblazoned with the logo of a smiling pink pig. It had been this way since long before Seth was born, and it would stay this way so long as Mable Stockton was alive to run it.

Aiden had already snagged a booth near the window. His hat rested beside his elbow on the table, and his head was bent, his familiar blond curls still streaked with red. Tessa had easily covered her mistake with a box of brown dye the morning after her date, but Aiden's fair hair was left bearing the evidence unless he wanted a buzz cut.

He looked unusually subdued, staring wearily into his coffee cup and ignoring the family that waved as they passed his table, but he brightened as soon as Seth slid in beside him.

Seth still couldn't get used to Aiden looking at him like that, with his whole heart shining in his eyes, and yet…it wasn't entirely different from how he used to look at him when they were young. The difference was inside Seth. He understood now that the way Aiden had flirted with him back then was different from how he treated others. Aiden’s nature was playful and affectionate, but he didn’t expect anyone to take it seriously. He was wholly, enthusiastically interested in Seth. If Seth hadn't been so afraid of making a move, Marla Hatch's breasts would never have stood a chance.

"You're a sight for sore eyes," Aiden declared, curling his hand around Seth's waist in a brief hug.

"They do look sore," Seth replied, touching the purple shadows beneath Aiden's eyes with the edge of his thumb.