Page 100 of Dangerous Allure

I started thinking the worst—that Norman wasn’t coming tonight. During the time I’d spent with him, we’d exchanged cell phone numbers, but never had to use them. I wasn’t going to sit around and worry, so I decided to call him.

Being mindful of other people around me and their privacy, I walked to the end of the hallway and out the back door to the smokers’ area to make the call. There was only one couple outside, standing under the black awning for shelter. I pulled my hood over my head to keep my beanie as dry as possible and walked to the uncovered area at the end. I pressed the number under Norman’s contact and put the phone against my ear. Almost immediately, the loud tone indicating that I had an out of service number blared, and it sent a cold wave through my body. I pressed the button to end the call, then headed back inside.

Still clutching the phone in hand, I made my way to the bar. I didn’t bother looking into the empty room because I didn’t want to see any reminders of Norman right now. I sat on the bar stool, and the bartender came right over.

“Hey, Skyler. What will it be tonight?”

Thinking that this was all explainable, and there was still a chance Norman would appear, I replied with, “Just a ginger ale.”

It only took a moment or two before the ginger ale was placed in front of me. I kept the phone on the bar between my body and the glass and stared at it. Over the course of a few minutes, the brutal truth set in. I had known next to nothing about Norman. What I had known, though, was that he’d been the only person I’d encountered at Edge who had no issues playing roughly with me. Now that had evaporated.

I’d also realized that with Norman gone, my additional income for my “landlord” was gone too. Which meant I was going to have to make sure I took enough jobs from Mills to cover expenses. I propped my elbow on the top of the bar and leaned my cheek against my hand while I stared at the half-empty glass. Suddenly, I was glad I opted for the ginger ale, considering how sick to my stomach I felt.

While feeling sorry for myself, I did a good job of ignoring the hum and chatter of everything going on around me. I didn’t want to hear about all the great sessions people were in the midst of arranging with others or setting up times to meet during the week outside of the club. That would never be me. I couldn’t take people to where I lived. Besides, even if I could, the only person who was willing to play roughly with me suddenly wanted nothing to do with me. What had I done to make him change his mind?

“Are you meeting someone here tonight?”

I was doing such an awesome job of ignoring life around me that when someone spoke to me, I didn't notice right away. I dragged my eyes away from the screen of my phone when I heard the same question being asked again. I looked up and saw one of the guys from last weekend who had been playing with Mitzi. And right beside him was the other guy from that night. My eyes met the eyes of the one who spoke, and I sat up straighter and quickly looked to my left. Were they talking to someone beside me?

There was no one next to me. “Me?” I asked.

“Yes, you,” the man said. A smile spread across his face before he turned to look at his friend. I had the worst memory in the world when it came to names and couldn’t remember for the life of me what Norman said their names were.

I glanced down at the screen of my phone one more time. Nothing. I picked the phone up and put it in the inside pocket of my coat as I shook my head.

“No.” Feeling the heat of their gazes, I wrapped my hand around the glass of ginger ale. “Well, I was supposed to meet someone, but they’re not coming.” Ever.

“Good to hear.” The one who had done all the talking so far looked at his friend and then back at me. “I’m West, and this is my partner, Spencer.”

The three of us shook hands, and I introduced myself. “I’m Skyler.”

“Nice to meet you, Skyler,” Spencer said.

“I know we just officially met, but Spencer and I watched your session last weekend. Are impact sessions something you enjoy?”

“Yes, it’s what I prefer. But … it’s difficult to find people who can play like that.”

West and Spencer looked at one another and then looked at me again. Shit, was that going to put them off?

“Spencer and I are into impact play.”

“We’d love to have a session with you,” Spencer said.

“Assuming you’re okay with playing with two guys,” West added.

“Hell yeah!” I downed the last bit of ginger ale and smiled at them. “I mean, yes. I’d like to participate. I actually really like threesomes.” I felt the heat of embarrassment quickly rising from my neck as I watched Spencer and West glance at each other and smile. Why would I say that?

“We like them as well,” West told me.

It made me feel better about my sudden outburst of sexual preferences.

The two exchanged glances again, and then West asked, “How about a discipline scene?” I grinned ear to ear and nodded.

“You’ve been caught giving head to another man by your daddies,” Spencer explained. My cock began to stiffen as I listened.

“And they’re furious,” West said, continuing to set the scene.

I was drawn in by everything these two guys were saying. This sounded beyond perfect, and it was just what I wanted and needed.