Page 92 of Dangerous Allure

“For the record, any firmness of my dick is from watching you, West.” I carefully pulled his hair back a bit more so that his mouth came off my dick.

“I know,” he answered.

I guided his mouth back to my cock and kept my grip on his hair. “And don’t you ever forget it.”

I drove my cock deeper into his mouth, until his nose was pressed against the bare skin of my lower abdomen. I leaned my head back and enjoyed West’s mouth as it moved over the length of my cock. For a few moments, I stared at the black painted ceiling before I eventually let my eyelids close. I loved the fact that West knew all the right buttons to push without me ever having to say anything to him. Things with West were uncomplicated and simple.

He understood what I wanted.

He understood my desires.

He understood my needs.

He understood me.

And because he knew me inside and out, life with West was as perfect and fulfilling as I could ever want or need.

Well, almost perfect.

There was one void that loomed heavily over us. We both wanted a permanent third. But searching for the perfect person to be part of us had been frustrating and nearly maddening. And nights like this reminded us how much we craved that additional person and how seemingly impossible it would be to find them.

Chapter Three


Saturday nights at Edge were what I’d come to live for. My life sucked dick Monday through Friday, but Saturday night made everything right. Sundays were my recovery day, and the shit would start all over again on Monday.

This week was particularly shitty because I’d learned my dear ol’ father was running for president this election year. Moving to Canada might be something that I’d seriously have to consider. I’d heard the Toronto area was awesome, and Vancouver was gorgeous. But there was that whole money thing that kept my feet grounded for the most part.

Since leaving home five years ago, I’d been somewhat on the run. I wasn’t about to marry someone; let alone some girl I’d just met. All of that aside, though, the girl’s dad gave off major Mafia vibes. I seriously didn’t think the Mafia existed outside of movie sets, and maybe they didn’t, but it was a chilling situation.

After I left, I crashed at the houses of some of my friends. My parents must have thought it was just a phase and that I’d return. But after four days, my dad sent me a text telling me that I needed to come home right away so the wedding could be arranged. When that text went unanswered, he sent me what I would call a desperation text by saying the girl’s father was someone he couldn’t disappoint. He said if I didn’t return home right away, that this girl’s father and his friends would start looking for me. That was when I felt there was something really off about the guy my dad had struck a deal with. I threw my phone off the Santa Monica Pier and knew I would never go home again.

I’d survived in the beginning by doing odd jobs for cash or in exchange for room and board. I still went to parties with some friends, and it was at a party that a few acquaintances offered me a large sum of cash if I spent the weekend with them in Cancun. They were known kinksters, and I would basically make myself available and be at their beck and call for whatever. I had an incredible time that weekend and earned enough money that I could live off for a while.

But I'd started to get paranoid that I was being watched at the parties in the L.A. and Hollywood areas. It was probably nothing, but I feared this “friend” of my dad’s might really be looking for me.

I decided I needed to get out of the area and went down south to San Diego. My money hadn’t stretched as far as it had in Los Angeles, so I began to look at relocating to places outside of California. The destination had to be large enough that it could support my way of making money and for me to not stick out like a sore thumb.

Which was how I ended up freezing my ass off in Denver, Colorado.

A man who went by the name “Norman” paid me well for an evening in a private room of the kink club, Edge. I got the best of both worlds with Norman. He paid me to stay agreeable while he restrained me and beat on me in some shape or form. I knew it was weird or might seem unhealthy to many people who didn’t live the kink lifestyle, but being restrained while able to yell or cry out was quite the cathartic release. And it was my only release and form of happiness in life right now.

Neither of us asked questions about one another. I simply had to show up for him, he did what he needed to do, then nonchalantly left an envelope by my clothes with payment. After he finished with me, I would gather all my stuff, including the envelope, and go off to the men’s locker room to shower and get dressed.

He’d never gotten wild or crazy with me, and he’d never beaten me to a pulp. Once Norman reached his threshold, that was that. He also knew I didn’t like any of the aftercare or partner-check type of shit. I just needed to be hit, paid, then let go.

I arrived at Edge and noticed right away that it was more crowded than usual. There were a lot of people milling around and talking. I was grateful Norman had a standing reservation at nine. So while this crowd would probably have to wait for an available room, Norman and I already had one.

I turned the corner to make my way down the hall to our room but stopped in my tracks when I saw the number of people congregating in the hall. What the fuck? It wasn’t out of the norm to see people in the hall watching whatever was going on in rooms that had the doors open, but I’d never seen this many people watching one room. I inched my way forward and spotted Norman watching the room. As I approached him, he smiled at me and went back to watching the people.

Like everyone else, I gazed into the room and saw two guys and Mitzi. Poor dudes. That girl was a fucking joke just looking to make videos for her porn channel. I’d never seen the two guys before, and she must have suckered them into taking her into a room. Why would so many people be interested in watching two new guys top Mitzi, though? Maybe everyone knew what a mess Mitzi was, and they were hoping the guys would lay into her.

“They new?” I asked Norman quietly.

He shook his head but didn’t take his eye off the room. “No. That’s West and Spencer. West is the one spanking Mitzi. They’re long-time members of Edge, but they only come every now and then.”

“So all the people are here to see them?” I mumbled as I watched them with her. “Are they a couple?”