Page 84 of Dangerous Allure

“Exactly! I’m an adult now!”

“Your mother just won her first Oscar. Do you think this is going to help her land new roles?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged.

“Damnit, Shawn! This is serious.”

“Look, you know the paparazzi are everywhere,” I said.

“And so do you. Your mother’s agent brought these to her attention so we can do damage control. I’m running in the election this year, Shawn.”

“I know.” I ran my hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. For real. I should have made sure we were in a private room that was just us?—”

“Or just not stick your dick in the mouth of some guy who has his wrists bound behind his back!”

I winced because this wasn’t something anyone ever wanted to hear their parents say. Really, who wanted their parents to find out their son was into kink through pictures? I was an adult, but it didn’t make this situation any less humiliating. My cheeks burned, and I wanted to disappear.

“Is who I’m doing this with the problem?” I asked. Though Mom seemed to accept my bisexuality, she never commented much on the topic. Dad, however, admittedly had a problem with it.

“Honey, no,” Mom assured me. I looked at my dad.

“Look, son. Your mother and I love you, but you can’t be doing stuff like this.”

“Like this? Is it because they’re guys, or is it because of all the other stuff?”

“Do you even know them?” Dad asked.

“No, but it was at one of those post-Oscars parties that you two had dragged me to.”

“Sweetie, we took you to the award ceremony, the red-carpet event.”

“Yeah, and then I went to a real party after.”

“Let me explain this to you in simple terms, Shawn. I’m up for re-election this year. I will not have photos of my son popping up with his dick in men’s mouths at these kinds of parties.”

These kinds of parties must have been his way of saying kink and fetish parties.

“I said I was sorry!”

“Good. I’m happy to hear you say that, because you’ll be able to show your mother and me how sincere you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve spoken with a colleague who is looking to curb his nineteen-year-old daughter’s wild behavior. He and I have a lot of mutual business interests, and he can make these photos disappear for a price.”

“A price?”

“If you don’t want to find yourself disowned, you’re going to marry this young lady.”

“What? That’s the craziest thing ever!” I looked at Mom and silently begged for help. She sat quietly, though. “Mom, he’s crazy, right?”

“Shawn, honey, we think you’ll hit it off with her.”

“I don’t even know her!” I yelled.

“Well then, it shouldn’t be too hard for you since you can do all kinds of things with people you don’t know,” Dad said smugly. It was as if he’d been waiting for the right opportunity to throw that in my face.

“You people are nuts. Is this a joke? Mom, are we practicing for one of your roles?”