Page 72 of Dangerous Allure

I take a quick shower, washing and conditioning my long, dark hair so that it will be soft for my Masters’ touch. As I open the shower door and step out, Master Séverin is there, holding a thick white towel. I step into it after he gestures with a nod of his chin, and to my surprise he dries me carefully, then wraps the towel around my hair, patting it dry. His hands are so gentle, and I don’t really understand what’s happening. Then he takes my face in his hands and stares into my eyes.

I don’t dare to blink, and certainly not to look away. His brows draw together as he watches me, as he explores my face. His dark eyes are nearly black, and there are the faintest creases at the corners. His bone structure is absolutely flawless, his face so incredibly beautiful, if a little thinner than it should be. And under his tan, I can see that his skin is a bit pale. Off, somehow. Or maybe it’s just my imagination running wild.

“What are you, Girl?” he asks.

I shake my head the tiniest bit, trying to tell him that I don’t understand the question.

He leans closer, until I can smell the mint on his breath. Then closer still, his cheek resting next to mine, the stubble that’s grown there overnight rasping against my skin.

He says so quietly it’s nearly a whisper, “You confuse me, you know. You are such a mystery. We are both quite taken with you. Not that Erek doesn’t respond to many slaves this way, but for me… I have never loved a woman, other than my sister, who I lost years ago.”

“Béatrice?” I say, then bite down hard on my tongue, taking in a gasping breath, knowing I am in trouble. He hasn’t said I could speak. He doesn’t know I heard him call out her name that first night.

His brows arch, but all he says is, “Yes.”

He strokes my face, then. Such a soft touch, as if I’m delicate, or as if he is truly feeling my cheek for the first time. And once more the tears come, slipping down my face and over his fingers.

“He’s right,” he murmurs. “Your tears are the prettiest I’ve ever seen.”

“I will cry for you every day,” I whisper to him, feeling the words down to my soul.

I don’t know what’s happening here. Why he’s talking to me, as if I am a person and not a slave.

Then he pulls me in slowly, his arms going around my naked form, and he holds me tenderly while I shake with emotion.

“You are so perfect for us,” he says. “For him, which is even more important. Or, it will be soon.”

I have no idea what this means, but there’s a surge in his chest as he holds me close, both breath and muscle, as if emotion is welling up within him. Then he stands back, holding me at arm’s length, and he stares into my eyes once more.

“You must tell me some things before Erek awakes. Where are you from?”

I am too stunned to answer for a moment, but he waits patiently. I clear my throat that is so unused to talking.

“California. LA. And more recently, London, where I served Mistress Clara.”

“Ah, Clara, yes. She thought you would be good for this. She was the one to send you here, you know.”

Another tear at that. Did she not want me? But why am I even hurt, given how I feel about my current Masters? Because if I had to choose—not that I ever would be given such an opportunity—I would stay with them forever.

My head is reeling.

“And tell me, pretty Mina, do you have family on the outside? People who miss you?”

I shake my head. “No, Master. There is no one left. I have been alone since I was fifteen.”

“Ah. So sad for you, my dear. What a terrible thing for a mere child. But now you have us, if you will stay.”

I stare hard into his eyes at that. “I…I have a choice?”

“In this case, yes. We need someone who wants to be with us. It will be explained later, but not now. No. I must speak with Erek first. But I have made my decision. You will have some time to make yours.”

Not to see my dear, dear Mistress again? My heart aches. But to be separated from my two Masters would hurt more than anything they have done to my body in the time I’ve spent with them. More tears. My head reels, and I’m shaken to the core.

I don’t understand this at all. But I am to stay? If Master Erek deems it so?

I fill with hope, and a need so desperate, it reminds me a bit of the early days in kink, after my first flogging at a little club on Sunset. That sub hunger. Yes. But times a thousand. Multiplied by all of the things I now know, all I’ve experienced.

My heart and my body whisper one word.