Page 52 of Dangerous Allure

Peering through the net, I can just make them out. The one called Séverin is tall, elegant even in his hunting clothes—perfectly pressed khaki trousers and shirt. A bit older; close to fifty, perhaps? He looks harsh. Stern. I’m a little in love already.

The other man—the other Hunter—is out of sight, but he is apparently doing something to lower the net I’m caught in. I go down slowly, inch by inch, until I’m on the ground, and he’s standing over me, cutting the net with a large hunting knife.

My heart is a hammer again. Will he cut me? I can take knife play, of course, but it still frightens me, as it’s meant to.

When the pieces of net fall aside, I am left crouching on the ground, being careful to keep my head bowed in submission.

And I’m surprised when one of them says in a gentle tone, his fingers beneath my chin, raising my head up, “Look at me, Girl. Let us see your pretty face.”

I do as I’m told—of course I do—and meet his calm blue eyes. Oh, but he’s lovely, with strong, squared features and long blonde hair tied back, a few wisps escaping around his frankly beautiful face. His mouth is lush, without a hint of cruelty, which I know is a ruse. The Masters never fail in their cruelty. It’s something we count on. But I love the contrast, the illusion of softness. I hope this Hunter will take me with him, and I cannot wait to see how hard a Master he might be.

The other approaches and yanks my chin up hard, peering into my face. “Pretty little thing,” he pronounces after scanning my face with sharp brown eyes that are so dark they are almost black. “Almost pretty enough for me to fuck,” he says, making the other one laugh. “I am Master Séverin, and this is Master Erek. And you, my lovely Girl, belong to us now, to do with as we wish. You’ll come to dread our wishes,” he says with a feral smile full of flawless white teeth. The wolf in the forest, ready to tear me to pieces, to devour me. “Won’t she, Erek?”

Another chuckle from the one called Master Erek, then he loops an arm around Master Séverin’s shoulder—an arm thick with muscle and fully tattooed in black and gray, his shirtsleeve rolled up—and he kisses the older Master’s finely sculpted jaw. Master Séverin turns his head and kisses Master Erek’s mouth, and they grin at each other.

Ah, there it is, that wicked gleam in their eyes, and also, if I am not mistaken, love between them.

Oh, to serve these two beautiful men. I almost don’t care what they do to me. Almost. I am theirs, and the world is once more as it should be.

“Stand for us,” the softer one commands, and I do.

The older Master steps forward and grabs my chin in his hand, his long fingers digging into my jaw as he turns my head from one side to the other. He releases my chin and continues his examination, cupping my breasts, squeezing. My nipples go hard in an instant as he gives them a sharp squeeze between his strong fingers. My pussy clenches.

He runs his palms down my sides, over my hips, then reaches behind me, almost as if in an embrace, and his hands stroke down my spine, a lovely, sensual chill chasing his fingertips. I bow my head as he continues, his hands running over my ass, then grabbing the flesh there and squeezing hard. But I’ve seen up close now how handsome he is. How every bone in his face is perfectly placed. Perfectly sculpted. And this perfection is intimidating as hell, because I can also see how evil he will be, how much delight he’ll take in my suffering—suffering he will bring me. I want to sink down to my knees once more and offer myself up to his wickedness, but I have not been told to, so I silently command my legs to hold me in place.

He turns me around roughly so my back is to him. “Spread,” he commands.

I do, instantly, eagerly, and he slides his hand in between my thighs from behind me, his fingers stroking my bare pussy, more gently than I would have expected. I am soaking wet in an instant. Then he yanks me hard against him, my back against his chest, and sliding both arms around my hips, he reaches down and spreads my pussy lips wide with the fingers of both hands, pinching them hard enough to make me pull in a gasping breath.

The other Master—Master Erek—appears before me, that sweet smile on his face as he stares into my eyes. That look alone melts me, and in this moment, I would do anything for him. For them both.

Why is it that even though I have always craved the roughness, the harsh command, these moments of gentleness on their part are making my body surge with need? It’s as if I am discovering for the first time something I didn’t know I’ve missed.

Master Erek moves closer and brushes his lips across my cheek, and I am devastated in some way I don’t think I have been before. And all the while my mind is spinning, questioning. Waiting.

I don’t have long to wait as he pulls back, and with his blue gaze locked on mine, he shoves his fingers into my hungry cunt, and I can’t help the gasp that escapes me.

As wet as I am, his fingers slide inside easily. They fill me up and begin a hard, driving thrusting, deep and seeming to scrape me inside, somehow, and his eyes narrow, his gaze becoming more intense.

Ah, there it is. That glint of evil in him, too.


He pumps faster, fucking me harder and harder, and the walls of my pussy are burning, burning, and I don’t understand. I can’t tear my gaze from his as the pain rips through me, pain and pleasure in such equal measures the divide between the two becomes more and more vague with each hurting thrust. Even despite the intense burning, I don’t want him to stop.

They all know the secret to our hearts, the Masters and Mistresses.

His free hand wraps around the back of my neck and his grip is demanding my stillness. I do my best to obey this silent command, but whatever he’s doing deep inside my cunt hurts in a way I’ve never felt before. I am on fire. A tear slips down my cheek, making him smile wickedly, like a wolf about to feast on its fallen prey.



That is what I am now. No longer Girl. No longer simply a slave. And the idea is both devastating and provocative as hell.

I need this.

He goes faster, adds more fingers…I think. I don’t know. But fuck, it hurts. I feel as if I’m being scalded and torn apart all at the same time, and behind me, the staccato heartbeat of my other new Master hammers against my spine, the buttons of his shirt pressing into my skin.