Page 33 of Dangerous Allure

They were so engrossed in a deep conversation as they approached the car that they didn’t hear me as I timed my steps to keep in tune with theirs. I crept along through the shadows, making sure to hide behind a car whenever the two of them happened to glance my way.

By some miracle, they never saw me.

“Do you really trust this meeting with Marco?” I heard Rafael ask, his voice laced with skepticism.

“No, but this isn’t about trusting him. It’s simply strategy,” Dante replied, his tone serious. “We need to find out what he wants all while knowing he could turn on us at any given moment.”

I used their distraction to my advantage, slipping quietly into the backseat of the SUV. The vehicle was spacious, and I quickly dove over the backseat and crawled into the trunk, concealing myself among some coats and other items before they closed the doors behind them. I managed to settle in as quietly as I could.

As the engine roared to life and we started moving, I tried to steady my breathing.

What was I doing?

This was stupid.

No. It was fucking reckless.

Right now, I should be running the other way and getting the fuck out of dodge, and the hell out of this damn city, but here I was in the back of the car going along with Dante and Rafael because I was worried about their fucking safety.

Not only was I following the two men intent on keeping me as their captive, but I was walking straight back into the arms of my abusive ex.

I was an idiot.

The last time I’d seen Marco, he’d backhanded me across the face so hard that it sent me flying to the ground.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

Maybe I should jump out now while we were still moving…

No. That was dumb too…

My heartbeat quickened and a feeling of panic threatened to overtake me. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm myself down so I didn’t give myself away.

It was too late to turn back now.

The car was moving too fast, and the thought of what might happen to Dante and Rafael if Marco planned to betray them held me back. I needed to protect them, no matter what it took.

I swallowed hard.

I was beginning to care about them, and it was beginning to show. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the thought, but it haunted me for the rest of the drive.

After what felt like an eternity, the car finally came to a stop. I waited, holding my breath, as I heard the doors open and close. Peeking through the window, I watched Dante and Rafael stride confidently toward an ominous-looking abandoned warehouse.

As soon as they disappeared inside, I made my move. I quietly slipped out of the trunk and moved around to the back of the building so they wouldn’t see me, just in case. There, I found a broken window just large enough for me to slip through. My heart pounded as I cautiously climbed through it, looking left and right for anyone guarding the place. When I saw no one around me, I dropped down to the floor in a crouch.

Staying low, I continued to move through the dimly lit warehouse, each step slow and deliberate so I could avoid any loose debris that could betray my presence by making a sound underfoot.

I needed to get up higher, see if I could get a better vantage point, so I headed up a flight of stairs several stories up to the top floor. There was a metal railing that I inched closer to. As I moved, I began to hear voices talking from down below. They grew clearer as I inched closer, staying hidden in the shadows.

I looked down and saw Dante and Rafael standing off against Marco and his men. I could hear everything they were saying now, and it made my blood boil and my stomach feel sick.

“But consider this, hand Ellie over, and you might just save yourself and your empire,” Marco demanded.

“You lay a hand on her, and it won’t just be me you’re dealing with,” Dante spat. “You’ll have a war on multiple fronts. Think carefully, Marco. Is it worth it?”

“She got to you too, didn’t she?” Marco murmured, his voice low enough that I had to strain to hear.

“That’s none of your business,” Dante growled.