Page 115 of Dangerous Allure


Dani René



People believe temptation is sinful.

It’s wrong to want something forbidden.

But we’re enticed by it. That’s what drives us.

You can never resist something you’re told not to want. Why? Because when you’re told it’s not for you, you want it even more. You can never tamp down the sickness that will forever darken your soul.

There’s a fire that burns within you, a need, a desire, that will always ensure you crave the darkness. Some people can fight it, others hide it, but the more you deny it, the more it fights back. It wants to be seen, felt, tasted.

And that’s why I’m confined to the bedroom I now lie in. The small window overlooking a forest beckons, but I can’t bring myself to go to it. I’ve been sick for a very long time; torn and broken by the people I loved the most.

I believed I was wrong. That I was the bad seed in a world of perfection. It wasn’t because I wanted to be bad, I allowed my heart to believe what it was feeling. Mama always told me to follow my heart. She did and we ended up in a palace with furnishings that cost more than most people make in a lifetime. She became hungry for more. The desire to walk alongside the man she married and show off just how much wealth dripped from her fingertips. To them, it was a means for power.

Power leads to darkness.

Wealth makes people to strange things.

And emotion—it breaks you until there’s nothing left.

Love on the other hand, it’s a feeling you’re bound by until your last breath.

It walks in, breaks down the walls you’ve built, and it takes from you till you’re barely existing without it. Like a drug, an addiction, it taunts you, it teases your cravings, until you give in. And when you do, you’re forever bound to it.

I find it strange the people who tell you they love you are the ones who can hurt you the worst. Perhaps because you’re so blinded by the emotion, it makes you gullible.

The heart who hungers will believe anything spewed at it.

It eats up promises and vows without question, and that’s what I did.

I believed in love. When I was given a home, a life, a vocation, I grabbed at it whenever I could. Each day, I would savor the attention offered to me, and I basked in the glow left behind afterward. I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t know just how wrong it truly was.

I’m a princess hidden in a tower.

I’m the errant child sent away because I was sick.

But I wasn’t.

All I did was love.

And when I did, I was ripped from my life and shoved in a dark corner in the hopes that I’d be cured.

But there is no fix.

Not when you’re broken in so many pieces you can no longer hold yourself together.

I’m not alone in this story though. I’m not alone in my pain and heartache. I’m going to tell you a story about falling in love. We’re about to tell you that our love was not only cursed from the moment the words were uttered and the actions were done. But from the moment I laid my eyes on them.

My story contains heartache, pain, but it also contains love.

I’ll show you that things can never be the same once you’ve fallen, once you’re down the rabbit hole, and there’s nothing holding you up. And it doesn’t matter what you do, you can never stop your heart from craving who, or what it wants.