Page 107 of Dangerous Allure

“Those are the posh celebrity hangouts in the ski resorts, right?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Nice. My family used to go on vacations all the time to Vail when I was younger,” he offered.

“Did you ski a lot?” Spencer asked.

Skyler laughed a little and then said, “My dad was always too busy doing other stuff when we were there. But my mom took me skiing some. She was more interested in the village and shops, though. So as I got older, I went skiing on my own while they did whatever.”

For the rest of the way to Skyler’s place, we talked about Vail and some of the restaurants there. Skyler said he hadn’t been there for a number of years and didn’t know any of the new places. I turned onto his street where cars lined the curb, and there appeared to be no place for me to park.

“Oh, this is good. I can get out here.”

“Which one is your place?” I asked as I kept glancing from the street to the houses. It looked like most of the homes were attached and had little difference between the others on the street. I couldn’t find anything on the buildings that showed the numerical portion of the address. The street was dimly lit, and none of the dwellings had porch lights from what I could see.

“I’m renting a place a few doors down,” Skyler said.

“Which one? We can drop you off right in front of it,” Spencer said.

“Really, this is good right here.” Skyler unbuckled his seat belt as I slowed the SUV to a stop.

I knew there was only so much we could do to push him to tell us which place was his. We’d already managed to strong arm him into sitting with us after our session and to let us take him home. Much more pushing and I was afraid he’d steer clear of us. And I didn’t want to risk losing him as a play partner, for mine and Spencer’s sake.

“Thanks for playing tonight, and for the ride home.”

“We had a great time,” Spencer said.

“Yeah, we’ll be in touch this week,” I said. I caught a glimpse of Skyler pulling his hood up over his beanie as I looked in the rearview mirror to make sure there weren’t any cars coming.

“I will anxiously await your text. Later, guys.” Skyler hopped out of the Porsche and quickly closed the door before dashing between two parked cars and onto the sidewalk.

A car honked its horn behind me, quickly drawing my attention to the road.

“Fuck, alright already. Damn,” I mumbled, and took my foot off the brake to ease forward.

“Impatient fuck,” Spencer murmured.

“Did you see which one he went into?” I asked. I glanced at the GPS on the dash to see that we were now past the ending destination checkered flag.

“I’m not sure. The rain is coming down in sheets. But we at least have his address.”

Our drive home took much longer than it should have due to the rain. Spencer had his cell phone out and had been quiet most of the way.

“What are you looking at?” I finally asked.

“I was doing some searches on the address to see who he’s renting from. It belongs to a property management company.”

Yeah, Spencer was borderline obsessed already.

Chapter Nine


I was already up and working on my second cup of coffee by the time West reached the kitchen. Between banging the hell out of him twice last night, I hadn’t slept much. Despite the lack of sleep, I was full of energy and planned on digging around for info on Skyler. I was eager to find everything I could about him. I just didn’t want West to know it yet.

Playing at Edge last night with Skyler had invigorated me, and it got West excited and energized again too. Both of us had nearly lost hope of ever finding a solid third.

“I’m surprised you’re not exhausted after last night,” West said as he set his coffee tumbler under the spout of the coffee maker and tossed a pod into the machine. I laughed and then took a sip of coffee from my mug.