Page 104 of Dangerous Allure

“Is there some part of hanging out with us for a little bit longer that makes you uncomfortable?” I asked.

“No, you guys are a lot of fun. I’ve enjoyed our time.” Skyler gestured over his shoulder toward his clothes. “I’m just going to grab my underwear. I’m kind of a mess,” he said.

“Of course,” Spencer replied while I went to get the bottles of water.

Skyler walked toward the couch once Spencer sat, and then he took the seat in the middle. Perfect. I was glad to see he didn’t want to kill off any future sessions together.

I handed one of the bottles of water to Skyler and then one to Spencer. I twisted the cap off mine as I sat on the other side of Skyler. They were quiet for a few minutes as they drank, but hopefully Skyler wouldn’t find it too awkward or uncomfortable. I knew Spencer was perfectly fine with silence as we calmed down.

“How long have you been coming to Edge?” I asked him.

“Not too long. Maybe about six months or so.”

“Are you new to Denver?” Spencer asked.

As a common part of our aftercare process, we tried to keep the person we played with talking so we could make sure they were doing okay. We’d always tried to keep questions simple and not make it seem like we were prying. But I’d admit, I was very curious about Skyler. I wasn’t going to push him too much, since I’d already given him an ultimatum for playing with us again.

Was I proud of showing my morally gray side? Honestly, I didn’t really give a fuck. Spencer and I were used to our work toeing the line of morals and ethics. When it came right down to it, we were far more ethically and morally aware and abiding in Edge than we were at work.

“I’ve been in Denver for a while, but just found Edge last summer.”

Skyler slouched on the couch so the back of his head was touching Spencer’s arm that was stretched out behind him. He appeared comfortable with his body and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave or as if he regretted being here.

“How about you two? How long have you been coming to Edge, and have you been in Denver long?” he asked us. I was surprised when he asked, because Spencer and I were accustomed to being the ones asking the questions.

“We’ve been longtime members of Edge, but work keeps us occupied most weekends,” Spencer loosely explained.

“I was born here, and Spence is from California.”

“I’ve been here for about ten or eleven years,” Spencer added.

The three of us sat together, talking about generic things like what we liked and didn’t like about the Denver area. I glanced at Spencer and noticed he was gazing at Skyler’s head, totally oblivious to me watching him. A loud clap of thunder followed by the lights in the room flickering drew our attention to the weather. Spencer’s eyes met mine just before the main lights went out, leaving us in darkness for a few moments before the small emergency light by the door behind us came on.

“Damn, I guess that storm is here to stay for a while,” Skyler said as he sat up.

“We should get going before the roads get worse,” I said.

“I imagine a lot of people will be leaving the club,” Spencer added.

“Shit. Do you think they’ll still let people take showers in the locker rooms?” Skyler asked.

“Probably, but it’ll be dark in there or very dim with only a few emergency lights on,” I told him.

“Take a shower when you get home,” Spencer suggested.

“I need to try to work some tonight, I think,” Skyler muttered as he stood. “Are you good with me heading out now?” Skyler asked. “I don’t want to mess up and not be able to play with you again. I really had one of the best nights that I’ve had in a long time.”

“We’ll play again, Skyler,” I promised.

“Before you leave, I’d like to give you our phone numbers. You don’t have to give us yours, but that way you’ll have a way to contact us,” Spencer said as he got off the couch and went to the table that had our shirts and jackets on it.

“Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll give you my number too.”

Skyler quickly pulled on his pants and shoes while Spencer and I finished getting dressed. We were both done and ready with our coats on and cell phones out while Skyler was still pulling on layers. He had a short-sleeved shirt under a long-sleeved shirt and a sweatshirt. He slid his puffer coat on, then his knit beanie, and walked toward us with his phone in hand.

After we exchanged numbers, the three of us walked out of the room together and carefully navigated the hallway that was lit only by a sprinkling of emergency overhead lights. At the end of the hallway, Skyler stopped and gestured with his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the locker rooms. Spencer and I stepped out of the way of the foot traffic and moved the three of us to the corner of the hallway.

“I’m going to stop in the locker room and freshen up a bit,” he said.