Page 101 of Dangerous Allure

“And they’re determined to remind you that you’re theirs,” Spencer stated.

“And that they don’t want to catch you with your mouth wrapped around another cock aside from theirs,” West added.

I was sure my face was beet-red because I felt as though I was on fire. I wondered if I was dreaming because this all sounded amazing. If these two were a fraction as good as their verbal game, then I’d swear I’d died and gone to heaven.

“Reminders will be just what I need,” I said in response. The two of them grinned and looked at one another. I thought they were happy with my responses.

“What are your hard limits, Skyler?” West asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know yet. I haven’t been pushed too far by anyone, so I’m still figuring that part out. But I don’t want marks left on my face.”

“Fair enough,” Spencer said as both of them nodded. “Are there any impact toys or tools you don’t like? Belts, floggers, crops, whips?”

“I’m good with all of those,” I confirmed.

“And penetration?” West asked.

“Yes, I’m good with that too.”

I understood these were all formalities people in these types of clubs often relied on to make sure new or potential play partners were all on the same page before they stepped into a private room. They were meant to keep everyone safe. While Norman and I had very limited conversations about this sort of stuff, I wasn’t going to balk about being asked these things by someone else who wanted to play with me. Especially these two. I voluntarily offered up the next question I knew was coming before they needed to ask.

“My safe word is ‘red.’”

“Good. We all agree that ‘red’ is the stopping word,” Spencer said.

“‘Red’ stops the play,” West repeated. “Ready?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

I followed West as we left the bar, and Spencer walked behind me. We turned the corner of the dimly lit hallway, and West stepped to the side, looked at me, then asked, “Did you want to put your coat and things in the locker room?”

“No, it’s okay. I lost my padlock and haven’t picked up a new one yet, so I’ve been keeping my things in the room I play in. It keeps my stuff safe because no one walks into someone else’s room while they’re playing.”

West nodded and continued walking and led us into the room.

“Do you have a preference about the door being left open or closed?” Spencer asked as he stood beside the door with his hand on the knob.

“Either way. I don’t have a preference,” I said.

Spencer shut the door as he said, “West and I prefer keeping what we do with partners private and away from lookie-loos.”

I liked the idea of being more private. Norman liked to have what he did out on display, but it wasn’t going to make or break me playing with him. Though, I apparently did something to make it so he didn’t want to hang out with me anymore.

I noticed right away that the room was set up similarly to the one Norman and I had played in. There was a large black leather sofa in the center of the room with a fuzzy blanket draped over the back, making it look like it belonged in a lodge. There were tables in every room and a spanking bench. Aside from having various toys, the tables in each room contained small bottles of water, condoms, lubes, paper towels, and disinfectant. When I saw the bench, though, I had a feeling that this was going to be great. I loved the benches because they gave me a sense of security. Even though I ended up exposed on it, I wasn’t completely exposed.

“Do you want me completely naked?” I asked as I slid my coat off and set it on one of the empty tables.

“Leave the underwear on,” West said.

“It’s more humiliating for you if your dirty daddies have to pull your underwear down to discipline you,” Spencer explained.

I didn’t know what it was exactly, but the way these two talked hit all the right buttons for me.

Putting their muscular and sculpted upper bodies on display, Spencer and West removed their shirts and draped them over the arm of the couch. While the two of them looked over the items on the other table that was closer to the spanking bench, I toed off my shoes and set them under the table. I pulled off my sweatshirt and the short-sleeved shirt I had on under it and set it all on the table. I stepped out of my jeans and added them on top of my shirt and then stuffed my socks into the shoes.

Fully aware that I had a major erection tenting my boxer-briefs, I walked away from the table and waited for their instructions. Spencer and West sensed my presence and turned to face me. With grins on their faces, they didn’t try to hide their eyes settling on my wood, and I felt no shame in letting them look.

Spencer reached out and ran the back of his hand along the wet spot on the front of my boxer briefs. Our eyes were fixed on one another’s as his hand moved up and down the outline of my shaft. West reached out, took hold of the waistband of my underwear, and yanked them down, exposing everything.