Page 98 of Dangerous Allure

“You’re basing this off the one and only time we’ve seen him.”

“I’m basing it off how you looked last weekend when you watched him. Besides, you were the one who practically begged me to go with you to find out where all the noise was coming from.”

Dismissing him, I shook my head and forced my eyes to focus on the wet road. “I hope the rain doesn’t get worse tonight,” I said. I was hoping I could steer him onto another subject, but failed as he continued.

“I saw how intensely you watched him with Norman last weekend.”

I huffed out a laugh. “Because you and I both saw red flags all over that session. And you were also watching him intensely.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw West shrug like it wasn’t a big deal. “Yeah, I was bothered by the way he was treated too. But I felt like he could play with us at our speed and could handle what we need to give and take.”

I wanted to believe West was right, but I had to pump the brakes so neither of us ended up hurt if it didn’t work out.

Neither of us spoke for a few moments, and I was sure he was just as hopelessly lost in wonder as I was. Against my better judgment, I lowered my guard and allowed my mind to wander. I felt my cock stiffen as I pictured Skyler wrapped in rope while West flogged him. Skyler’s eyes would look up at me as he took what West needed to give him. Then after we fucked him, Skyler would lean against me and allow me to give what I needed to give him—comfort and care.

“Ready?” West’s voice successfully yanked me out of my dangerous daydream and into the present.

“Definitely,” I replied as we pulled into Edge’s parking lot. I wasn’t about to share with him the fantasy I’d conjured up in my mind or the fact that it rocked me to sleep each evening this week.

I turned the engine off and stared through the windshield as the rain slid down. It wasn’t raining as hard as it had been when we’d left the house.

“Let’s go,” I said. I opened the door and zipped up my coat as we hurried toward the club’s entrance.

My stomach was full of hyper butterflies as I pulled open the door to Edge. Since we were here much earlier than usual, there wasn’t much of a line yet to check our coats. After abandoning our outerwear, we headed into the main room. I scanned the room and spotted a vacant couch facing the entrance. From there we’d be able to see Skyler when he arrived.

“While you grab us that leather couch over there, I’ll get us some drinks from the bar,” I offered.

“I’ll just take water or Coke. Something without alcohol,” West said. Even though I knew he was going to say that, I nodded as if it were a surprise.

I made my way to the bar and ordered two completely boring, yet responsible, glasses of water. With the drinks in hand, I walked to the couch where West sat and handed him a glass before taking the seat beside him.

“Thanks,” he said.

I slowly sipped on the water as I watched people arrive. Most of the patrons came directly into the main room, while some headed toward the locker rooms. It only took a few moments before my mind drifted to many of the things West had said during the week. While I didn’t want to jinx anything, I also didn’t want to get my hopes up because that would lead to heartache.

West and I made sure we arrived at Edge right when they opened this evening. Aside from wanting to ensure Norman didn’t show up, we wanted to negotiate a session with Skyler. Then, and only then, would West and I have a decent idea of whether or not Skyler could potentially be a permanent partner for us.

“Think he’ll be here tonight?” I asked.

“Our ghost or Norman?”

Our ghost.

I couldn’t keep myself from chuckling at Skyler’s nickname.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“Nothing. I think the nickname is great. I honestly like it,” I playfully replied.

West looked at me, and in a serious tone he asked, “The ghost part or the part about him being ours?”

I wanted to tease him about being so deep, but I couldn't be a dick when he was showing me he was vulnerable and how much he wanted this too. Ultimately, we both badly wanted a third. It wasn’t something we could easily explain, justify, or rationalize.

“I like the nickname,” I replied.

As soon as I said the words, West nodded and looked down at the coffee table in front of us. Was he afraid I didn’t want this?

I leaned forward to set the glass on the table and then turned my head so I was facing him. “I like the nickname, West, but I love the part about him being ours.”