Page 14 of Dangerous Allure

What was going to happen next?

“You’ll stay here,” he said, his voice a mix of command and an odd gentleness I hadn’t expected. Before I could respond or ask any questions, he closed the door behind me, and I heard the unmistakable sound of it locking from the outside.


Now I really was a prisoner.

I was trapped in a gilded cage, high above the city in the clutches of men who were as dangerous as they were mysterious.

Alone, I leaned against the door, my mind racing. Fear and confusion warred within me. What was I going to do now? I closed my eyes. I felt drained, both physically and emotionally. With a heavy sigh, I stripped down to my bra and panties and slipped into bed, relieved that I was at least sleeping alone even if I was an unwillingly captive.

And that neither man was going to rape me tonight.

I closed my eyes, and despite the fear and the million thoughts racing through my mind, sleep enveloped me quickly.

As the morning light filtered through the windows, I woke up in the unfamiliar room, and for a moment, I was completely disoriented. Without warning, though, the events of the previous night came flooding back, and I quickly got out of bed, a sense of urgency driving me to get the fuck out of dodge.

I needed to find a way out of here. I couldn’t remain their prisoner forever, but I needed time to think.

Plus, I desperately wanted a shower.

I made my way to the adjoining bathroom, which was as luxurious as the bedroom with marble tiles and heated floors. There was a heated towel rack by the shower, and when I brushed my fingertips against the fabric of the towel, I found it deliciously warm.

I turned on the shower and stripped out of my bra and panties, waiting until the stall was full of steam. Then, I stepped inside.

As the hot water cascaded over me, I sighed, trying to piece together my thoughts and feelings and how I was going to get a handle on the reality of my situation.

What was I going to do?

I’d be lying to myself if I said that I wasn’t drawn to both men and even though Dante had spanked me last night, he hadn’t raised a hand to hurt me.

Not like Marco.

He had done so in the past, more than once. I would have liked to say that it was a rare occurrence for me to wear his mark across my face, but then I would be lying.

It was one of the biggest reasons why I’d run.

Somehow though, Dante had still been gentle, and my thighs still squeezed tight at the thought of his hand dancing over my clit. The hot water beat onto my shoulders, and I had to fight the urge to slide my own fingers between my legs and touch myself all while thinking about last night.

That would be far too shameful.

With a sigh, I tried to put thoughts of the two men out of my head and after I was done showering, I wrapped myself in a warm towel and sighed at the luxurious feeling of it.

Then, I found clothes in the attached closet—surprisingly all in my size. Maybe it had been here already, or maybe he’d had it delivered overnight while I was sleeping, I couldn’t be certain.

My chest squeezed tight.

Hopefully they didn’t belong to another woman.

Shaking my head at the ridiculousness of my thoughts, I put on a pair of new lacey blue lingerie that fit my body like a glove and picked out a simple dark green wrap dress. Dressed and somewhat more composed, I tested the doorknob, half expecting it to be locked. To my surprise, it opened, and my breath caught in my throat.

Tiptoeing out, I followed the sound of voices to the kitchen, pausing just outside when I recognized Dante and Rafael engaged in a serious conversation.

Dante seemed overly tense. “Vargas is making moves on the east docks.”

Rafael replied, his tone just as serious, “Do you think he knows about the Rossi brothers already?”

“It’s likely. Marco has been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time. With the Rossi brothers gone, he’ll want to move into their place,” Dante said, a note of frustration in his voice. “I need to handle this personally. We can’t afford to lose control of the docks. It’s a critical point for our operations.”